Random shenanigans-

425 10 8

Time:... Dad, your an idiot
Galaxy: what makes you say that?
Time: your holding Sabre as if he's a baby chicken
Galaxy:... I have my reasons
Sabre: *confusions*


Origin: Sabre
Sabre: yes?
Origin: am I srsly gonna have to deal with the fact that Shadow Sabre is my roommate, along side everything?
Sabre: no. You live I peace, he's with everything for a reason. I don't need him ruining peace after all.
Origin:.... Good point :D
Sabre :)
Shadow Sabre: ;-;


Sabre: hey guys guess what I found! :D
Time: what you found?
Dark: ??
Sabre: I found a chef time Steve plushie, a plushie of me and a plushie of shadow too!
Time: oh, that's nice
Shadow Sabre: bruh-
Dark: ╥﹏╥
Sabre: sorry dark, just have to wait until yours is made
Dark: Ó╭╮Ò


Time: Shadow Sabre, where are you getting the cakes from?
Shadow Sabre: No where eats da cake
Time: ...
Shadow Sabre: :)?
Dark: He stole a whole bunch from one of the leaders-
Time: wot-


Elemental:...Is Father okay?
Time: What do you mean by that?
Elemental: He straight up adopted Sabre out of no where and Orange Leader is sulking about it
Time: I can get the whole Orange Leader Sulking, but when did Father adopted Sabre???
Elemental: Father said "Hippity Hoppity, Your son, sabre is now my property. In other words, I'm basically adopting him"
Time:...Okay, that explains a lot-
Orange Leader: casually sulking in the corner
Sabre: wondering why so much is even happening around him-
Shadow Sabre: just eating cake


Sabre: Hippity hoppity, all these cookies are now my property! *Casually take the jar of cookies and run-*
Time: ._.


Light: Sabre, what do you want for breakfast?
Shadow Sabre: The souls of the innocent steves-
Sabre: A waffle- Wait, no, 2 waffles and a Apple :D
Shadow Sabre: NO
Light: anything else?
Sabre: Cookies :D
Light: No cookies
Sabre: D:
Shadow Sabre:....I'll actually just steal a cake lmao-


Time: turn on the lights in the kitchen.... Sabre, dark, what are you two doing at this time of night?
Dark and Sabre: nothing
Time: then why do you both got cookie crumbs on your face AND trying to hide the cookie jar
Dark and Sabre: ....
Sabre: it was dark idea-
Dark: BRUH
Time: -_-
Shadow Sabre: *casually eating cake-*


Sabre: *cries*
Galaxy: what's wrong Sabre? D:
Sabre: someone stole meh chicken and duckie...
Galaxy: I'll find then, okay?
Sabre: okay...
Shadow Sabre: *getting murdered by the chicken and the duck*


Orange leader: I'm the best father UwU
Galaxy: Your not actually. I am.
Orange leader: nu uh, I am!
Galaxy: Dude. I'm a father of twins, the very same twins I couldn't stay with cause I split myself to create them, thus, leaving them on there own. However, I still watched over them, guiding them when it's needed, I approve of there actions, except, elemental actions now, he's been a bad child. Anyways- unlike you and everyone else, besides a few steves, I didn't abandoned Sabre. Plus, I basically just adopted him already. :)
Shadow Sabre: dude, you just got rekt *eats a cake*


Sabre: *in the background, sings horribly-*
*meanwhile with the others... Sabre is singing is in fact not so great*
Time: ._.
Dark: bruh


Shadow Sabre: hippity hoppity, as the kings of cakes, they're my property
Sabre: does that mean me and dark rule the cookies?
Shadow Sabre: no, that be te
Dark: D:


Okay this is all- no more- I don't have any more to write ;w;

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