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Meeting the (Ex) Wife

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Meeting the (Ex) Wife

You had know Jack always had a temper, a fiery temper at that. But you were sitting at the bar when Husk started talking about the time Jack had gone 'nuclear' on some guy they played cards with. At first you were barely listening, then you could hear three voices arguing from outside; Jack's and two women. The door opened up and the three entered; first a white haired demoness with a cigarette in hand as tears streamed down her face.

Jack and the other woman, a bat demoness with deep purple hair and flaming yellow eyes, stayed by the door arguing so loud that everyone stopped to watch

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Jack and the other woman, a bat demoness with deep purple hair and flaming yellow eyes, stayed by the door arguing so loud that everyone stopped to watch. Jack seemed really heated as flames started to dance across his torso to his shoulders. The room also became slightly warmer in temperature. Husk muttered something and put any full bottles he could in an ice box.

An hour had passed of the endless bickering, the other had shed their heavier layers and fanned themselves. Even Alastor seemed worried about what was going to happen. Then the woman said something that would change everyone's view of Jack. "Well maybe if you had been more of a father to our son instead of running off to war maybe he wouldn't have hated you so much-" "SHUT UP!!" Time seemed to stop as Jack's body was now wreathed and flames, a deep cackling snarl echoed from his jaws until..... Boom.

Glass shattered and the entire hotel shook as a bright light filled the room followed by a loud explosion filling your ears along with the roar of flames. As you opened your eyes, you saw the bat hiding behind her now scorched wings with a whimper and the other woman held her burnt arm in pain as the others looked on in horror. Furniture and decorations were burnt to a crisp, the doors were barely hanging on to their hinges, and just about every window was shattered.

Jack stood there with clenched fists and raised hackles as he glared at the woman before him, rage and regret filling his eyes as he stormed out the door. "That's what happens when he goes nuclear..." Husk muttered with a hint of pity. You?

"Whiskey and Sin. Smells like home." // Jack Fuego MB/SWhere stories live. Discover now