boxman and venomous go shopping

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Professor Venomous trailed behind his husband, lord boxman, carrying an ungodly amount of shopping bags. Boxman was running around the mall as if he were a kid in the toy aisle at a store, and venomous honestly couldnt care lees. In fact he hadnt purchased a single thing yet.

"Ooooh!" Boxman vocalized, making his way to the most obnoxious, sparkly shirt in the entire mall. "Can i get it" he turned to pv.

Venomous deadpanned "no."

"Pleeease" he stepped in front of professor venomous flailing his arms around.

"No." Venomous looked down at him. no way in hell is he going to buy that. he thought to himself. In his opinion it was the most hideous thing Boxman could've picked out.

"How about now" Boxman had no intention of giving up.

"No." Venomous honestly felt foolish bickering with his husband as if he were  a child.

"I see how it is" Boxman turned around and grabbed two of the shirt. "You want one too"

"What- no- i- BOXMAN 😠😠" 

"Don't worry pv! We'll be the most stylish villains around!" Boxman chuckled while paying for the shirts, and before Professor Venomous could process what just happened, boxman had another bag that he was handing to Venomous.

"Did you just-"

Boxman smiled, proudly "i did" 

"Im not wearing that" 

"Yes you are. I know you want to!" 

"I'm returning these-" just as venomous stepped up to return the hideous garments, the store clerk pointed to a sign that read "ALL SALES FINAL"  he sighed, unimpressed.

Boxman smiled looking up at Professor Venomous hopeful. 

 "Im still not wearing that thing." 

Boxman was already headed toward the exit, optimistically. He hadn't acknowledged professor venomous' protest at all. 

"Hey! Come grab some of-" he stopped midsentence realizing it would be pointless to carry on, and just headed to the car. 

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