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TW: Depression

I know alot of people suffer from depression. So am I.
It's a hard topic to talk about, especially if you think about hurting or killing yourself.

The feeling of emptiness and tiredness is so overwhelming sometimes that you think it's not worth it anymore.
It's like drowning over and over again. But you always swim up again.
After awhile you drown again.

Always on replay.

The feeling of not being worth anything.
A feeling that you're not good enough.
A feeling that nobody likes you and you'll never be enough.

Trust me I know this feeling and I know how hard it can be. But one time when I explained someone that it feels like drowning over and over again this special person told me to continue swimming because if you find an island, you can rest.

And I thought about it.
Alot of times.
And the person who told me this was right.
We need to continue swimming, together. And when we finally find the island we were searching for, we can rest.
Maybe sometimes there is a boat that picks us up , and carries us near the island.

If you have the feeling that it's not worth to stay alive anymore..
Don't think that way.
Because if you'll end yourself you're weak.
I know that sound rough now but you need to show yourself that you're a fighter.
I've been fighting along time now, and I'm still here.

Anyways for people who don't suffer from depression:
It's not funny, or anything you could make jokes of.
People suffering under it don't seek attention. They're seeking help. They're seeking  someone. Someone that helps them out of the hole they're in. Someone that'll listen. Someone who tells them that it's gonna be alright. Someone who hugs the person and comforts them.

They don't seek attention!

Depression can happen because of many things:

-Private life
-Self harm and self pressure
-Pressure in General
-Thinking that you're not good enough

and so on....
It's a never ending list of causes.

If you're still swimming, be proud of you.
If you need help, message me.
I'm here.
I'm always here.

And always remember

-Only because a person is smiling, it doesn't mean that she isn't dying because of her loneliness and depression-

I love yall 3000!
Feel hugged and loved!

Continue fighting...

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