29 - Perfect

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Harry's p.o.v.

Harry woke up by someone tapping him on the shoulder. 

"Excuse me Sir, we are about to land. Please put your seat in an upright position and stow away your personal items." Harry blinked a few times confused while the flight attendant, who had woken him up waited patiently, politely smiling at him. When he realized where he was, he hurriedly sat up straight and smiled back at the flight attendant. 

"Yeah sure, I'm sorry," he mumbled while he did what she requested. When she saw he was finally awake and did as told, she moved on to other passengers. Harry shook his head a few times and rubbed his eyes with his palms before he looked out of the window. It was true they were about to land. He could see the rainforest and some cities spread over the land. The ground coming noticeably closer every minute.

Harry was excited. It had been four weeks since he had last seen Louis. Three weeks since they started talking again. He wasn't supposed to be here, and Louis did not know he was on his way. This was Louis last show of his South America tour and he would fly home tomorrow. But Harry did not want to wait another day and had decided to surprise him at his last show and fly back together with Louis. 

Harry knew this was stupid. To fly all the way over here just to fly back the next day. Screw him he couldn't wait any longer. It had been a spur of the moment thing. He had called Rebecca who had spoken with Julia and they had arranged everything. He had booked a ticket on a plane not wanting to use his privet jet for such reckless flying. It was bad enough for the environment that he flew at all.

Now he was about to land in Venezuela, and he couldn't wait to see Louis. He was not gonna make it to the venue in time to see him before the show. He would sneak in, watch the show, and surprise him afterwards. And then he would finally confess his feelings. He waited too long for this. The past few weeks gave him the confidence to do this. After what had happened in their holiday Harry had been sure, Louis did not reciprocate his feelings. The way he had reacted to the invitation to his mother's birthday party Harry had been certain Louis wanted only a friendship.

And when Louis did not call him, even though he had promised Harry was sure he would never see him again. That had been one of the worst weeks in his entire life. His team even asked him if he wanted to postpone tour, because he was so miserable all the time and had a hard time putting up a good show. But then Louis had called him. He had confessed he had been as miserable as Harry had, if not worse. The way Louis had told him, that he missed him made Harry realize the problem was not, that Louis did not have feelings. The problem was he was scared. And they could handle scared. They handled Harry being mortified, so they could handle Louis being scared.

Harry was not sure what Louis was scared of. Probably commitment. But they did not talk about it yet, decided to put it off until they would see each other again. So Harry expected a lot from this conversation. He was certain, that they would walk away from it as boyfriends, and he couldn't think of anything he wanted more. That's why he was sitting on an airplane right now. He just did not have it in him, to wait another day. He wanted Louis to be his boyfriend. Wanted to hold him and kiss him. Wanted to whisper in his ear how much he loved him and that he never wanted to let him go again.

Harry was not even scared about people finding out anymore. Sure, he did not want to shout it from the rooftops just yet, but it also did not cause a panic attack thinking about them being officially together. Dr. Hopkins had really helped him over the last few month. This was perfect. He couldn't even believe that he was in this situation. Finally overcoming his fear that had held him back from being happy all those years and finding this incredible person, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. The person he wanted to be his. His Louis.

Perfect ~ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now