"It looks good on you, Min."

"Yeah, you totally look like a boy bwahahaha."

The girl just sighed again for the umpteenth times, "Thanks. I'll get going first so I can finally change from this stiflingly hot outfit."

"Sorry for making you come all this way."

"No worries, go take a break for the day, Captain Tatsuya. You deserved it. You can just ignore Hiroto if he's troubling you okay?"

"Yes, yes. Don't fight please."

"Tch, I don't have the time to do those shit okay?"

"Hiroto, language." Both the girl and the red haired boy scolded at the same time.

• • •

"Hina! You're here!"

"Miyucchi! Uwaaa you look so cute!"

The white haired girl twirled around showing of the maid dress she's wearing, "Hehe, you think so? Yukiko made some adjustment to it."

"It suits you Miyuki-chan!"

"Thanks Norika-chan! Oh, who's the new face?"

"Ah, nice to meet you, my name is Mikado Anna."

"I'm Ootani Tsukushi! Nice to meet you Toragami's forward!"

"Anna-chan and Tsukushi-chan yes? Nice to meet you! I'm Hina's friend, Yamauchi Miyuki. Come in you guys, there's a lot of seat so don't worry!"

Miyuki leads the four girls to a table before returning to attend to the other costumers.

"Welcome, my ladies. I've brought the menu for you." Said a butler with blonde hair and orange eyes.

"Oh! You must be Toragami's soccer club captain, Takebayashi Riku-san right?" Ootani excitedly speak with sparkles visible in her eyes.

The boy just smiled at her, "When you're done choosing you can just call one of us. Please excuse me."

Not long after, the girls called one of the maid. A girl with soft green hair and purple eyes appeared, smiling softly, "May I take your order?"

"It's Yasuda Mihime-san, Toragami's Yamato Nadeshiko~!" Ootani again excitedly mumbled to herself.

The girls spoke their orders and the green haired girl left.

"How can you know so much about them?" Anna says suspiciously looking at the brunette.

"Hehe, it's the power of manager you know? Don't worry, you'll soon get it too, Anna-chan!"

"I don't think I would ever get it..."

"I only know Miyucchi... You sure do your research well Tsukushi-chan!"

"Hehe." Tsukushi grinned while giving them a peace sign.

Soon a black haired boy with blue eyes came with the girls' orders, putting the food on their table lazily with a bored face, "Here's the cakes and stuff. Enjoy—"

Spear Of Athena | IE AresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora