Thank You!!!

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I know it's been like YEARS since I updated, but I finally found some time, and uh, here we are! A special thank you to those who encouraged me to write again- I appreciate you so much! With no further ado, here's your chapter!

 'Come on!!' Zach thought. It had been, what, three minutes since he got on stage? And his acquaintances in Dayrise were already starting their shenanigans. He had just finished singing one of his hits, Never Forget You, and the MILLISECOND he stopped, that stupid ex-fiancé of his started causing a commotion. Confused, he had asked what was wrong, only for Aaron to storm on stage with a weeping Alice (tch. She makes me want to pull a Sangwoo on her ngl-). 

"How dare you, Wyvern! You shamelessly stole Alice's songs and used them to make yourself famous! You- you wicked bumble head!" This was just the beginning, however. He continued ranting on and on about how "my precious Alice doesn't deserve this!" and how "you evil demon! How could you live with yourself, knowing you took someone away from a wonderful life that they deserved?!"

   Zach was already pretty mad when he saw the stupid guy, but as his accusations piled up higher and higher, he was about ready to commit arson (me too, bro, me too). Eventually, he couldn't stand it anymore and ripped off his mask. "No, you buffoon! I was literally banished from here for two years BECAUSE OF YOU! I BUILT THIS", he gestured to the stage around him," WITH MY OWN HARD WORK- AND IF YOU THINK THAT JUST BECAUSE YOUR PRECIOUS ALICE SAID SOMETHING, IT HAS TO BE TRUE: YOU'RE DUMBER THAN A DEAD FISH SLAMMED AGAINST THE WALL AND BEATEN WITH A METAL BASEBALL BAT! TELL ME, HOW COULD YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF, KNOWING THAT I WAS SUFFERING EVERY DAY AND THAT YOU WERE THE CAUSE OF IT?!"

    At this point, he was already breathing heavily. Aaron looked shocked and said in a small voice, "Z-Zach?" 

  "Yeah. It's me. Are you happy now?"

    Meanwhile, the audience was still shocked at the dramatic reveal of Wyvern's identity. 

  It was only when the sound of multiple cameras clicking and taking pictures of Wyvern's now maskless face erupted that Zach truly realized what he had done. 


Villain To CelebrityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora