Chapter 38: Matter of knowing

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"You rather stay half naked on top of
that stage?!" He almost shouted angrily.

"Since when does it bother you so
much? Are you gonna play the good
Samaritan as well? Like everyone else?" I said angrily.

"You don't know what people say there, Natalie, how they see you, God!"

"I don't care, okay? You have no idea
what I've heard for it, Michael, nothing they say or think affects me. Not anymore."

"But it affects me, how do you think it
makes me feel? Knowing that everyone in there thinks filthy things about my woman?" I knew how hard that was for him. I didn't take away Michael's reasons. But I couldn't simply throw everything into the air. Candece was an important piece for everything that I am today, and leaving her wasn't the fairest thing
to do.

"Just ignore them, Michael." I tried to
calm him.

"You think it's possible? Look very
carefully into my eyes, Natalie, and tell me, do you really think I can?" He spoke firmly, holding my arms. His eyes conveyed fury, jealousy, power.

"You met me like that..."

"Wouldn't you be able to change for me?"

"And you? Would you be able to change for me?" In that instant our gazes kept connected by a heavy tension.

"Don't turn the tables, Jones." He
grumbled letting go of my arms.

"I'm not turning the tables. I just want
you to think a little. Have you stopped
to imagine what led me to do it? The
reasons why I can't leave?"
Michael that had his back turned to me, now turned around to face me.

"I don't know what led you to do it, but the reasons I can imagine."
His voice tone could be almost acidic.
I wasn't prepared to hear bad things
from him, no, I wasn't. Michael turned
his back to me again and drank all the
wine from his glass.

"What do you imagine, Michael?"

"You don't have the slightest idea?" He
turned to face me again. He looked at me with a superior and arrogant gaze. His voice poured sarcasm.

"You like to be courted, Natalie. You like to be wanted, to be desired."

"You think I'm there simply because I
like to be courted?"

"For what reason would it be? You must love seeing all those people go crazy for you, right? Everyone there would pay whatever it takes to sleep with you." I stayed staring at the man in front of me, with his mocking tone. I just shook my head and smiled humorlessly.

"You are an asshole, Michael." I spoke
before leaving him there alone.

Michael's POV:

I saw Natalie walking in hurried and
heavy steps into the house. Dammit,
I had ruined everything. I closed my
eyes thinking about the shit that I had

Dammit, dammit!

I threw the glass of wine on the floor,
seeing the fine crystal shatter into

What do I do now?

I shook my head, and walked from one side to the other thinking about what I should do. Was going after her the right thing to do? No, Natalie didn't have to refuse my request. It was obvious that she had the obligation to leave that club. I could never let my woman keep dancing half naked for those disgusting

No, Michael, you were too harsh...



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