You only live once

463 23 5

Hallo, happy new year and almost lunar new year! I hope you are all doing well!  I am officially back to writing and feeling somewhat better. I started my last year of school, so as you can imagine its been rough but I finally have time to work on this! I even got the main owner of the account (Mincent) to help me with writing this somewhat short chapter! So hope you truly enjoy this chapter and I cant wait to get back into the swings of things. xoxo <3

Oz's POV
Some time as passed since Damien got dragged of by principle Giant Spider. I couldnt help but let one question still bounce in my head. 'Why did he want to see me after school?' this question soon lead to more questions being asked 'what if he tells my dad?' 'Am I going to get detention?' 'what if my friends wont like me because I'm are hanging out with Damien and not them?' Thoughts started to now flood my mind as I wanted to shrink down and let them take hold. That was until someone lightly put their hand on my shoulder causing me to flinch out of my thoughts. I looked back to see Brian glancing at me worriedly.  

"you okay dude, you seemed troubled?" Brian spoke taking his hand of my shoulder to which I only nodded in response, "are you sure?"

"y-yea, why wouldn't I be Brian?" I spoke shaking of any negative thoughts and questions my brain was making me think

"well for starters, you haven't responded to me calling your name for the last minute or so, that and you slightly flinched when I tried to get you out of your thoughts." I looked away from his glance and sighed, I couldnt tell him the full truth of why I flinched but I could tell him why I spaced out and blame it on that. 

"Fine.. you caught me... Principle Giant Spider wants to see me later and I think I am going to get a detention or something..."

"Highly doubt it, your a good kid and never get in trouble. He'll probably ask you questions to see if Damien's story is true... just try not to think about it too much, I know how anxious you get when your thoughts run wild" I chuckled lightly at his words, it was as if he could read my mind and hear all the voices that shouted. He smiled lightly and spoke once more "Before I forget, Vicky, Liam and Vera want to see you in the court yard... They said it was some important meeting you had to attend, what ever that means" I gulped at his words, a meeting with Vera and Liam?! Great, not only do I have to worry about a meeting with the principle. But now I have a meeting with a mafia boss and a critic? Can this day get any worse?!  I thought to my self as I nodded. I thanked brain for the message and went to the court yard this was going to be interesting. 

"OZ! OVER HERE!" Vicky yelled excitedly waving for me to meet them

"He can see us Vicky you dont have to yell at him..." Liam spoke glancing towards her, he seemed to be embarrassed by this. Vera chuckled at his uneasy ness. I looked down as I made my way towards them. 

"Y-you wanted to see me?" I mumbled not meeting anyone's gaze.

"Yes... I cant believe I'm saying this to a nerd like you... but I am having a party this weekend, and it seems that one of my guest wants to invite you." Vera replied with hesitation, it seemed like she didnt want to but she was paid to tell me this. I glanced up quickly at Vicky who shook her head with a smile telling me it wasn't her. I than looked towards Vera in disbelief 

"Why do I feel like there is more to this..?" I softly spoke

"I told you Vera he would catch on-"

"Shut up Liam!" She cleared her throat before glancing at me" Look all we need you to do is show up... we just want to test a theory with have."


"They want to help you Oz,"

"YOU TOLD THEM?!" I shouted in an almost shaking tone, Vicky's smile dropped as she seen me panic

"NONONONO! Oz you know I wouldn't tell anyone about it, they actually came to me asking if I wanted to go to a party with you because 'he' wanted you to go... seeing as you well, helped with his arson adventure." Her eyes showed honesty, my little shadows tilted their head at them before giving me a thumbs up. I bite the inside of my cheek thinking about this, If I go I might be able to talk to him more. But than again its a party with the most popular kids, whos to say this isnt a prank. If it is a prank, is Vicky in on it? no, she wouldn't; would she?  A small sigh escaped my lips as I looked at them, 

"okay... just tell me where I have to be." was all I managed to say, if I was going to increase my boldness I needed to break this good shell I was in...Who knows maybe this senior party might be fun.

The fire in the coldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin