lets just go

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The bell rang for the end of the day. I srung up in a hurry to find my lovely Bum. As I was walking around the big school cluelessly I run into someone falling on to my butt. How embarrassing right. I look up to see a large figure above me. Due to closer inspection I see a handsome man bend down to help me out.

" Oh dear im so sorry are you okay?"

Denying his helping hand and standing up I reply "I'm fine. Have you seen Yoonbum?"

His almost fake looking smile disappeared only to be replaced with a even faker smile. "I dont know who that is sorry."

"Kay thanks anyway" I say as I speed walk away in hurry to find yoonbum.

As I was awkwardly wondering the halls to find this boy I see him out side the entrance gate he looked like a lost puppy if you know what I mean. I run out the doors to catch up to him.

"HEY YOONBUM!~" I dash over to him tripping in the process and falling right on top of him. His fragile frame under mine was so arousing. The lovely face he made oh gosh it was amazing. After starting at the position we were getting more excited by the second i hear a soft tone speak up...

"C-can you please get off?" I realize my knee was in-between his legs and due to more investigation I realized he had a boner. In shock I jumped off.

"Awe and I was having so much fun~ looked like you enjoyed it to Bum." I say helping him up and shifting my eyes down to his member just to meet his gaze again. He pulled his shirt down to try to cover up. A light pink dusted on his cheeks. "L-lets just go.."

Words: 335
I update my storys everyday! Hope you enjoy if you like this book let me know also tell me how I can fix it!

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