The Power of Having Fun by Dave Crenshaw

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After a few minutes, the bus finally arrived. Karuizawa and i walked in together and sat next to each other until we arrived at the pool.

*The Pool : Karma's POV*

Karuizawa and i got out of the bus together to be greeted by Hikari wearing a straw hat, white beach bikini and white beach underwear. I looked at her for a sec and accidentally diverted my attention to her chest. I immidietly looked away with a slight blush on my cheeks."Its rare to see both of you guys together, Karuizawa-san."Hikari said with a smile as she walked up towards us."Well, Karma and i kind of get along."Karuizawa said with an awkward look."Hmm?"Hikari asked as she looked both at me and Karuizawa back and forth."W-Wait a sec! Are the two of you-"Before she could finish the sentence, i cut her off."No, we arent dating."I said with a sigh."I got no interest in that."I said with a poker face."Ah, i see."Hikari said with an awkward smile."Sorry for assuming."She said with a sigh."Its fine.."I said with a sigh."By the way, when did you get so muscular?"She asked me with a confused look."I prefer to keep that a secret."I said as i walked off towards the pool area."Anyways, lets get this over with."I told her with a sigh."Okay!"She said as she and Karuizawa followed me toward the pool area.

*Mens Changing Room : Karma's POV*

I walked into the mens changing room to see Ike, Sudou and Yamauchi plotting something. I sighed and looked for a vacant locker to put my stuff in. As i was walking however, i noticed that Ike, Sudo and Yamauchi were holding an SD Card. Just by looking at it, i already knew what it was for. I sighed as i made my way towards the pool area.

*Pool Area : Karma's POV*

I walked out of the locker rooms and appeared at the main pool area. I noticed Hikari and Karuizawa approaching me with a smile."Yo."I greeted with a wave. They waved at me back as a certain boy showed up with a smile and patted me on the back."Karma-kun, you're here too?"He asked me with a smile."Hirata...Why are you here?"I asked him with a sigh."Just here to enjoy a fun time at the pool, wanna join us?"He asked me with a smile."Hirata-kun!"Karuizawa called him as she stopped and hugged him."Karuizawa-san, fancy meeting you here."Hirata said with a smile. Hikari suddenly grabbed my right hand and pulled me towards the pool."Lets go!"She yelled as she kept on pulling me. I sighed as i let her pull me.

She pushed me into the pool like a little child. I was standing inside of the pool with a sigh as i then grabbed Hikari's right arm and pulled her in surprising her. She laughed it off as she then splashed some water on me. I splashed some water on her as a response to her doing that declaring a splash war. As we were playing in the pool, a certain spikey black haired boy showed up and joined in on the fun."Yu?"I asked him with a confused look."Karma!"He yelled as she dived into the pool splashing both Hikari and i simultaneously. He then splashed water on the both of us joining in on the splash war.

As we were playing, a certain pink haired girl appeared and appraoched us."Karma-kun?"She asked me with a cute smile on her face. I turned around to see Ichinose looking at me with a very angelic smile."Ichinose, its been a while."I said with a smile."Indeed it has!"She yelled with a very excited tone."Wanna join in on this?"I asked her with an emotionless look."Sure!"She yelled as she jumped in the pool and joined us in the splash war.

After a few hours, we decided to get out of the water to play beach volley ball. Yu, Hikari and i were on the same team while Hirata, Karuizawa and Ichinose were on a diffrent team. We were having fun until i noticed a camera on a ledge of the roof. I noticed it shining a little bit and decided to jump backwards a little to cover Hikari's body. The volley ball was coming right at me but i was able to punch it towards the enemy territory while covering Hikari's body. The camera suddenly havinshed into thin air indicating that someone was there taking shots. We continued playing volleyball for a few hours until we were all tired.

*Changing Rooms : Karma's POV*

I went inside of the changing room area for a bit and went snuck my way into the girls bathroom. After that, i opened a doufflebag and noticed a camera chip inside of it.'This was placed here a few minutes after i got in the pool....which means, those three idiots planned this from before the summer vacation.'I thought to myself as i sighed and placed the chip in my pocket and left the changing room immidietly before any of the girls come in.

*Pool Area : Karma's POV*

I came out of the changing room area and went back to the pool area. As i was walking, i noticed a student with blonde hair and blue eyes. He had a smile on his face as well. I accidentally bumped into him and just walked off. He turned around for a bit and called me."Hey kid, havent you heard that stumbling into someone is considered disrespectful?"He asked me with a smile."Of course, but i dont really care."I told him with a sigh as i kept on walking."And dont call me kid, i'm only two years younger than you.....senpai."I said as i rejoined the group.

*A Few Hours Later*

We've been in the pool for hours. The group and i were relaxing under an umbrella eating some sandwiches. Suddenly however, i noticed that the Changing Room areas getting crowded. I sighed and continued eating my sandwich as the Changing Room gets crowded.

*Changing Room Area : Blonde Haired Senpai POV*

I was about to enter the changing room until a rough looking girl with waist-length brown hair with a hairpin in the shape of a sunflower on te right side of her hair along with two ordinary ones appeared. She had a smile on her face as she looked at me."Hi Miyabi."She greeted with a soft smile."Asahina, what do you want?"I asked her with a smile."I just came to change, why?"She asked me with a smile."That so, well then lets g-"Before i could finish my sentence, a blue chip suddenly fell out of my left pocket. Not only was it a chip, it was a chip for a camera. Asahina noticed the chip and kept on staring at it. Shen then looked at me with a horrifying smile."Ara ara~ Miyabi, i didnt know you were the type to peek on girls."She said as her face got closer to mine in the most terrifying way possible."L-Listen, i didnt bring this!"I told her with a sweat coming down my forehead."Hmm? Is that so?"She asked me as a knife appeared behind her out of nowehere.'Jesus christ, i activated her Yandere mode.'I thought to myself as i gulped in fear."L-Look, i can explain!"I begged for mercy as i kept on backing up. After that, i ran away but noticed more girls from my class coming in.'Shit! How the hell did that chip even get i-....THAT FUCKING KOUHAI!'I thought to myself as i looked around for the Kouhai but he was nowhere to be seen.

Soon, the Changing Rooms got crowded to the point where i was surrounded by a mob of Yandere girls.'Mom, pick me up....this is the first time i've ever felt fear!'I thought to myself as my smile vanished and turned into fear. The girls all grabbed my limbs and pulled them like they're playing tug of war with me as the rope."AHHHHHHH!"I yelled as birds started to fly away outside of the changing rooms.

*Pool Area : Karma's POV*

Karuizawa, Yu, Hirata, Hikari, and Ichinose looked at the changing rooms noticing how crowded it is."Whats going on over there?"Yu asked Hikari who was just as confused as he is."I have no idea."She said with a confused look."Maybe you know something? Hirata-kun?"Karuizawa asked him but he was just as confused as she is."I have no idea at all."He said with a concerned look."Do you know something? Ichinose-san?"Hirata asked her but got the same response from her."I was just about to ask you."She said with a confused look."Maybe Karma-kun knows something?"She asked me tilting her head.'Women are scary.'I thought to myself as i continued eating my sandwich.


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