Untitled Part 2

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It was 2:00 pm and Cormac was off surprisingly early. He wasn't complaining but he had nothing to do until his kids needed to be picked up at 4:00. He was just about to grab his keys and jacket from the attending's lounge when his phone rang.

"Hello?" He said into the phone before looking at the caller ID.

"Hayes? It's Grey. Can I ask you a favor?"
He smiled at her voice. He hadn't heard from her since she had been discharged from the hospital last week.

"Is it illegal?" He asked chuckling knowing that Meredith had some very interesting stories on fraud.

"No?" He could hear her laugh through the phone. It had been forever since he heard that laughter escape her lips.

"What can I do for you Grey?" He asked walking out of the attending lounge on his way to his car.

"I'm bored." She whined.

"And what am I supposed to do about it?" He chuckled.

"Would you come here?" She practically pleaded. "The kids are at school and I've been watching my mothers old surgical tapes. There is nothing to do here."

"And you want me to...?" He teased her.

"Keep me company please" she pleaded. She sounded adorable when she was upset and he couldn't say no.

"Okay," he sighed. "But I have to pick the boys up by 4:00."

"Wait really?" She asked surprised.

"Yeah sure Grey, can I bring you anything?"

"I don't think so. I'll send you my address." She said before hanging up.

He sighed shaking his head. Looks like he knew how he was spending his afternoon now. Checking his messages he saw her text and put it into the GPS.


Pulling up to her house he didn't expect to see an assortment of bikes and scooters in the front lawn. She didn't seem to be the person to have a flower bed near the porch yet there it was. It seemed homey. The dark and twisty Meredith, as some considered her was a big-hearted caring woman who if you were lucky, fortunate enough to see that.

Walking up to the front door he knocked lightly. After a few seconds, he heard the door click. She opened the door.

"You came." She said smiling. She stood in a black off-the-shoulder sweatshirt that hung loosely and grey joggers. Her hair was in a messy bun but she looked beautiful.

He smiled at her.

"What?" Meredith asked.

"Nothing Grey, absolutely nothing." he smiled. "May I come in?"

"Sure" she smiled "Silly me come in," she said welcoming him into her house.

He walked into her house. What he thought was a normal sized house on the outside was quite big.

"Im sorry, the house is a mess. Little ones tend to not clean up after themselves leaving me with their mess." She chuckled.

"Oh I know what you mean, They're constantly getting into something."

She laughs, its nice to have a friend who understands the every day struggles of parenthood.

"How old are your boys?" She asked as she walked over to the fridge and grabbed 2 unopened water bottles.

"Well the oldest, Liam, hes 15. He'll be 16 in September and Austin just turned 12 last month."

"My oldest, Zola is 12" she smiles sitting on the couch throwing a blanket over top of her.

"You can sit down if you want Hayes," she laughed at his awkward position in the living room. He stood with both his hands in his pockets and looked muddled.

"Oh, uh yeah, sorry" he rambled sitting down, his hands rubbing up and down his jeans nervously.

"Cormac?" she asked in a caring tone just above a whisper.

"Hmm?" he asked smiling.

"Are you okay?" she asked sitting up so she was making eye contact with him.

"Yeah," he smiles. "Shouldn't I be the one asking you that though?" he chuckles.

"Im okay, I've got my own personal minions at my service." she giggles.

He raises his eyebrows and laughs.

"You're doing better though?" Cormac asks seriously.

"Yeah, I'm doing a lot better. It helps that I live with 2 other doctors."

They talked for a little while and eventually decided to put on a movie.

"Oh crap!" I've got to get the boys!" He said checking his phone after the movie.

"Thanks for having me Meredith. I'm glad you're feeling better." He smiled.

"You better hurry or the boys are gonna be mad." She laughed.

"Yeah, you're right. Bye Grey."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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