Chapter 5

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Okay so I am well aware I haven't posted anything in a week. Well, I basically disappeared off of this app for the whole week. I guess college just had me swamped. I haven't exactly had the best of weeks so I'll try and get back into the flow of things. That, and I've been playing Genshin.

Your POV:
Shortly after Momoe said "let's go", we all started to head towards the parking lot to the school. Heading straight for the mini bus that was parked there. All of us headed towards the bus, getting on and finding somewhere to sit. I sat towards the back like I always did during games because it was where I preferred to sit. It was the furthest from the front and I tend to find it was the quietest place to sit.

I began staring out of the window once the mini bus started driving away, watching the scenery roll on past like it was melting into each other. The normal countryside scenery gradually turning into one of a bustling cityscape. Soon, after a few hours of travelling, all I could see was the bustling cityscape signalling that we were now in Tokyo. I'd never been before so it was an entirely new experience for me. One I'd hoped I'd be able to experience again.

Shortly after arriving in Tokyo, we pulled into the parking lot of Nekoma. The basketball team were waiting outside for our mini bus to pull in. Once the driver parked - the coach - we all descended out of the bus via the steps and over to their basketball team, bowing as introductions were done.

Once the captains had their "stare-down" at each other, they showed us where the gym was so we could set up. We were on one side of the gym with Nekoma on the other. Our coach ran through our play one last time before the starters had to make their way onto the court. The good thing about this match is that we are at a slight advantage because the team know nothing about me and Maki. Because I've never played with this team before.

"Oh? Do you have new players? Surely that's a handicap, is it not?" Their captain said.

"Call it what you want but this is no handicap to me." Shika replied.

"If you say so." Their captain shrugged.

The ref threw the ball up for the centres to pass on to their teams and luckily Momoe got the ball, passing it straight to Shika. Shika dribbled the ball before passing it straight to me. I went to shoot and just as I thought, their centre tries to block the shot. I smirked which was obvious to the centre and shot the ball, it seeming as if the ball just... went through her hand.

The game went on for the full 40 minutes and it was finally time-up. We won the game 62-42. A 20 point gap. Which is good considering we've never played together before. This was our first official match. It showed we had potential for the next tournament.

"Good game." Shika said, shaking the Nekoma captain's hand.

"You played well for a team with two players they haven't played with before. I'm looking forward to playing against you in the tournament in a few month's time." Their captain replied.

After their small conversation in which tension could be felt, we all left the gym and began heading back to the mini bus. As we were walking, I had a notification pop up on my phone. From Keiichi. It read:

Hey sis. Know I don't text often but you need to come home. Now. It's urgent.

I sent a quick reply saying I'd be back as soon as I can before I pulled Momoe aside and explained the situation to her.

"Y/N, what's up?" Momoe asked me.

"Something's popped up at home and I need to head back as soon as I can." I explain.

"Sure. I'll let Shika know. Are you getting the train then?" Momoe asks.

"Yeah. I thought it'd be the quickest option." I reply.

"Surely heading back in the bus would be quicker. You don't live far from school, right? Coach and Shika can debrief the team and I'll let you know what happens on Monday." Momoe offers.

"Alright. Sounds good." I say, catching up to the others with Momoe.

We caught up with everyone else and I saw Momoe sit down next to Shika. I just assumed she was explaining what I needed to do when we got back. I wanted to sleep on the bus but I was restless. Worried about why Keiichi wanted me back so quick. He never normally messages me unless it's urgent. So it must be bad then.

Once we arrived on campus, I saw Keiichi stood by his car. I guess he's picking me up then. I waved goodbye to the team before heading over to Keiichi's car.

"So? What's up? Why the urgent message?" I ask.

"Get in the car and I'll explain." Keiichi says.

I did as he said and placed my bags in the back of the car before getting in the passengers seat.

"It's about mum and dad." Keiichi starts.

"What about them? They left long ago. Why should I care?" I reply, rather pissed off now.

"Because they are still our parents even if they left us." Keiichi starts.

He started to drive the car before explaining.

"Dad's in hospital and mum wants us to come visit." Keiichi explains, eyes glued to the road.

"That's why she wants us to go?" I spat.

"Oi! He's still family." Keiichi said, slightly annoyed.

"Yeah okay he may be family to you. But not me." I replied.

Keiichi kept on driving dead straight, following the roads towards the hospital "dad" was at. We kept on going before we got hit head on by a car. I assumed he was a drunk driver. I was alright though my leg was trapped.

"Keiichi? Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm good." He says.

We saw someone run towards our car and check to make sure we were alright before calling for an ambulance. Once it came, it took us to the hospital which was ironically the one out so-called father was staying in. Keiichi managed to get away with minor injuries but I had a leg injury, meaning I wouldn't be playing basketball for a while. But a knee injury wouldn't keep me away from other sports I play.

Apologies for the short chapter but I didn't want to drag it out.

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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