"Hey, sorry I wasn't able to reply the other day. I have been very busy unfortunately and forgot to send a reply before I head to bed."

Of course that's a lie. She locked herself in the comfort of her home. She doesn't want to meet Nayeon just yet. She also owes her an explanation why she had to stop contacting her.

The reply came fast. "Hey. It's okay, figured you'd be busy anyway. At least I tried."

Lisa doesn't know what to reply, lucky for her, another message came. "Are you in the club room?"

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Nothing. Just checking."

Lisa had to raise an eyebrow at that. She was about to type a question when Taemin claps his hands again to gather them all up for another practice session.

"Hey, Taemin oppa is back. We just had a short break. Be talking to you later." She sent before throwing her phone straight to the top of her duffle bag before going to her position.


"That's it for today everyone!" Taemin claps his hands. "Do we have any conflict of schedule 5 o'clock in the afternoon and onwards?"

All of the members in the dance club look around to find some answers. When no one made any response, Taemin continues. "Great, I'll see you all tomorrow. Rest well everyone and don't forget to do your down time stretches."

And everyone went on their respective spots to stretch.

"We did almost half of the mix today, I'm pretty sure we will finish tomorrow." Jongin says, he's bending his arm sideward.

Lisa hums. "We collectively did the choreography, many brains will always make things easier and faster." She's stretching her legs.

"Hundred percent. Can't wait for the final product though."

They finished their down time stretches and spent their extra time catching up with others while waiting for their turn to shower.

Once she's done with her shower and had changed clothes, she went out of the dressing room to a fidgeting Jongin.


He turns his head to her direction and says. "Finally you're out! Mom and Dad are in town, do you want to join us for dinner?"

Fixing her semi dry hair to a high ponytail, Lisa then checks her wrist watch, it says eight twenty-seven o'clock. "I have to check something. Just send my regards to them." She lied.

"You sure?"

She nods, Jongin had been missing his parents lately and she just wants him to spend as much time as he could with them, his parents had been busy going around the continent to expand their business. "Totally. Now go!"

He grins. "Okay! I'll bring some food later, make sure to answer my ring or else I'm calling the lobby."

Lisa had to roll her eyes at that. "You know my passcode."

"That is true but I told you to lock your door from the inside when you're around." That made him frown.

Lisa had to chuckle at the reaction. "Chill, sir. I always lock my door if I am home so G the hell O."

Jongin grins and waves her goodbye. "Drive home safely." before disappearing.

She then joins the others, some of them are heading their way to the parking lot while the others went straight to the exit gate. Laughters ring the stillness of the night in that side of the campus.

As she drives out, she saw a walking figure heading towards the quiet bus stop just two blocks away from the campus. As soon as she had gotten closer, she finally noticed who it is.

Jennie on the other hand knew someone is driving close to her so she walks faster by reflex. Her car broke down early this morning which is why she had to ride bus all the way home.

Oh my God. Can you please just go away?! She's starting to panic, she was about to run for her life to the nearest convenient store when a voice called her.


It automatically made her spin to her side. It's Lisa who had her glass window rolled down while keeping up to her pace of literally half running. "Lisa?"

"Yes. Why are you walking alone?"

For some weird reason, Jennie finds herself relaxing. Her pace had slowly decreased. "My car broke down this morning."

Lisa frowns. "Okay but then again why are you walking alone? Where are the others?"

Jennie finally stops walking and so did Lisa's driving. "Had to stay a little late because of some lab work. You just finished practicing?"

She nods. "Yes. It's not safe to walk alone around this time. Come on, hop in."

"Excuse me?"

"Get in. I'll drive you home."

"No no. I'm okay. The bus stop is just over there anyway."

Lisa frowns. "I insist. Have you had dinner?"

As if on cue, Jennie's stomach grumbled. Instantly making her blush while Lisa giggles. "There's my answer. Let's grab dinner before I drive you home."


"No buts. Come on."

Jennie hesitates a bit before she finally goes to the other side of the car and gets in — being able to relax in the comfort of a car beats waiting for bus anyway plus she needs food.

"What do you feel like eating?"

"I don't know. You're the one who invited me."

"True, well I am craving for something spicy. Thai?"

"Missing home?"

Lisa grins, a mellow look in her eyes that disappears almost right immediately. Jennie caught it though. "Something like that."

"Well, Thai it is."

Lisa smiles, tonight should be her first step of making up to Jennie. She's not really sure how she's going to tell Jennie about those incidents in Auckland because her fear and embarrassment went on full circles in her. So for now, if she can't say anything about it then she will make it up by her actions.

Lisa glances at Jennie to make sure she's still awake only to immediately look away because Jennie is already staring at her. She gulps. Dear God, she had gotten so beautiful, help me.

Jennie inwardly smirk after seeing the obvious flush reaction, tonight marks the first day of her pay back.

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