chapter one

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Past/intro(No one's pov)
At the first sight of number 4  privet drive, you would think that this family was as normal as normal could get, but in the small cupboard under the stairs was the most abnormal thing you could find. Infact under the stairs wasn't a thing at all but a who. Under the stairs in number four privet drive lived a small boy named Harry Potter. Now Harry Potter wasn't just and normal boy, no, he was a wizard, and a very famous one at that, for he "defeated" the "evil dark lord" at the age one and a half.
At the age  of 3 he started doing the majority of the house chores like cleaning, laundry,dishes, ext. By the time he was 5 he was doing all the chores around the house (cleaning,cooking,gardening, ext) he wasn't allowed to play or be a little kid like his cousin Dudley.

Whenever harry didn't finish his chores or did something wrong his uncle would beat him. This started at the age of three as well. A little three year old trying to do his chores and does something wrong and gets punched, kicked, and slapped. You see the thoughts that run through poor little Harry's mind were of this ' I deserve this punishment, i don't know why but i must have done something wrong'  ' I'm a freak'  'mistress was right my parents probably hated me' were the thoughts that would go through Harry's mind when being punished by his uncle. On Harry's 11th birthday while going through the mail while walking down the hall he found a letter addressed to him. He quickly  slid it in his cupboard and gave his uncle the rest of the mail.

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