chapter 14

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An- I will be using some of the original writing, from the first book, so as always, I do NOT own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter, the characters, and all of that, I just own the plot, I am not full on copying, I am just using the canon book so I can get this out a bit faster.

                                          3rd person
Harry and Ron stay hand and hand as they walk following the large man to the lake. Harry and Ron get into a boat with two other boys. When harry got in the boat he immediately started shaking and clinging onto ron for dear life. The other two boys look back and see and look at Ron and Harry in sympathy.
   " Is he okay?" the blondie asked quietly. Ron looks at Harry as Harry clings to Ron's arm attempting to hide from their boat mates.
   " Yeah, he's ok, just very very shy, and this is his first time off of land." Ron says gently while pulling Harry to his chest to calm him down. It works to an extent, but not all the way as Ron had hoped, but he understood.
   " I'm glad he will be okay, you seem to have a massive calming factor on him." the blondie says again to which Ron nods slightly.
   " Yeah, i can feel that the boat has stopped shaking by a lot." The other boy comments rather quietly to which ron nods again.
   " What are your names?" The blondie asks. Ron looks at Harry for confirmation of telling them their names, Harry nods slowly. I look at the two boys.
   " Well, if you haven't already figured it out by my appearance, I'm Ronald Weasley" ron says slowl, watching their expressions carefully. The blondie nods slowly, facial expression looking contemplative. The other boy shows some interest but stays quiet.
   "This is Harry Potter" he says quietly making sure no one else heard. The blondie looks a little shocked at what ron said but quickly covers it.
   " Well it is a pleasure to meet you both." The blond said quietly. The other boy nods his head in agreement.
   " Well I'm Draco Malfoy" the blondie said confidently.
   " And I'm Neville Longbottom" The other boy replies with little to no confidence.
   " Well, It's nice to meet you both" Ron says to Draco and Neville. Harry nods his head in agreement then pushes his face into Rons neck. Ron starts carding his fingers through Harry's hair which makes Harry relax into Ron more. Harry gently puts his hand in the lake and the Giant Squid gently brings one of it's tenticles to harry's hand. Harry giggles and plays with the Giant Squid, shocking everyone in the small boat.
   " What are you doing harry?!" Ron asks Harry in shock. Harry just giggles again and keeps playing. The Giant Squid brings up another tenticle and delicately picks up the gigging Harry. The Squid keeps Harry until the boats reach the deck, the Squid then puts the still gigging Harry down next tenderly next to Ron.
   " Did you have f-" Ron starts but is interupted by dumbles storming over out of nowhere.
   " What were you doing young man!" Dumbledore yells, isolating Harry from the other kids, freaking him out even more. Harry starts backing up away from the old man. All of a sudden something tenderly wraps around Harry's waist and lifts him up away from Dumbledore. Harry looks beehind him with fear in his eyes until he sees that it was the Giant Squid that was holding him. Dumbledore looks up at Harry looking to be fuming.
   " My boy, get back down here this instant!!!" Dumbledor said trying to contain his anger. Harry shakes his head minutely to which the Giant Squid saw and brought harry further from Dumbledore. Minerva comes out with another professor, this one is half the size of minerva.
   " Albus, what in the world is going on out here!" Minerva yells at Dumbledore. Seeming like the overprotective mother hen teacher she is/portrays to be.
   " This young boy here was seen going across the lake with the Giant Squid carrying him." Dumbles says to Minerva while trying to keep down his anger.
   " Well Albus, maybe the boy fell in the lake and the Giant Squid grabbed him and took him across the lake, in which isnt dangerous, nor is it against the rules Albus." The shrter professor states sternly while walking towards the lake.
    " Ok time to bring him down now Onyx" The shorter professor states calmly. Onyx puts Harry down gantly and as far away from Dumbledore as possible, feeling Harry's overwhelming fear of Dumbledore.
   " Thank you Onyx! have a wonderful night!" The short professor says to the elusive cephalopod. Harry runs behind Ron terrified of everyone but the short professor, Minerva, and Ron.
   " Ok, now let's get back on schedule! we have some hungry pre-teens and teenagers to sort and feed!" Minerva states in a matter of fact voice to which everyone agreed with, though it looked as though Dumbledore was begrudgingly agreeing with her. The professors went back to where they needed to be as Hagrid took the children to the off-chamber, in which they could hear the commotion from the great hall through the giant door in front of them. Somewhere behind Ron and Harry someone screamed, which caused Harry to jump 3 feet in the air and start hyperventalaing from the sudden loud noise. Ron noticed and pulled Harry to his chest, efffectively calming him down. They look around to see why there was scraming. Harry looks up to see ghosts and gasps excitedly seeing them floating above his head. Harry looks at the ghosts in wonder as they continue arguing while floating through the wall to the great hall. Ron looks over at Harry and chuckles softly at the look of pure wonder on the littles face. About a minute later Minerva comes in saying that everything is ready for them and the first years follow her her into the great hall for the sorting ceremony. Harry looks up in awe at how realistic the ceiling looks to the sky. The first years make it to the front of the room to see a stool with a really old hat on top. All of a sudden the hat seems to come to life

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: May 08 ⏰

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Little Harry(Rorry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon