05 - Microchip

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"Good point," Evan said.

"Hey," Jack and Evan greeted them.


"'Sup," Zack nodded.

"I can't believe we searched all night for Mr. Smith," Cody said, "and we couldn't find him."

"Maybe he wen't 'overboard,'" Zack said.

"Maybe he's in a disguise," Evan said.

"Maybe he's in the hot tub!" Jack said, pointing at the hot tub.

Smith is sitting on the side.

"Quick," Cody said, "find his shoes!"

Zack, Cody and Evan rushed to find his shoes but Jack didn't follow. He leaned against the stairs as he watched his friends try to find his shoes.

Smith takes his feet out of the water to reveal his stacked shoes.

"Found 'em!" Jack said.

"You did?" Zack said, standing up.

Jack pointed at Smith with his wet shoes. 

"That is so bad for the leather," Cody said, "and j...just don't even get me started on the brown socks."

Zack stopped London from walking by.

"London, we need your help!" Zack said. "We need to get that guy's shoes off. So, we need you to read his feet."

"Oh, great!" London said, excitedly. "First hands, now feet? This is more reading than I've done all year!"

She wrapped some decoration across her forehead)

London approached Smith, who was now at the juice bar.

With an accent, London said, "Greetings, weary traveller! I am here to tell you your destiny. But first, I must read your feet."

She crouched down.

"You could read my palms," James said.

"No, I'm in training," London looked up at James. "I'm starting at the bottom!"

She chucked his shoes behind to Jack, Evan, Zack and Cody.

"I got the microchip!" Cody explained.

He opened the compartment to reveal it is the hair dryer.

"Oh, yeah, that definitely is the microchip," Jack said, sarcastically. 

London thrower back the other shoe, Zack caught it and opened the compartment, grabbing out the microchip.

"Got it!" Zack explained.

James realized this and tried to go after them.

"Hey!" he called to Jack, Evan and the twins. "Hey, Stop!"

London clung onto Smith's leg as the boys took off running away.

"Hey, hey, unhand me!" Smith told to London. "Get back here!"

He managed to escape London's clutches and went after Jack and his friends. 

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