Start bij het begin

Gomez burst laughing thinking Cameron was joking. "Who are you tell me what to do, child? The Jones family is mine."

Cameron gave him a sadistic smile. "Your worst nightmare. Leave the Jones family."

"No. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a territory to conquer." Gomez hung up only to allow Cameron to have some fun with him. He smirked as he saw Krushiv on the screen.

"What's next sir?" he asked.

"Send him a little gift for me."

"Way ahead of you, sir."

Cameron smirked. "Good."


After Cameron was done with his workout, he went back to the kitchen to see two plates of food, two glasses of orange juice and two bowls of fruit set up on the kitchen island. He smiled as he saw the love of his life focused on her laptop while eating. He then sat next to her and began eating.

"What are you working on?" he asked her.

"Nothing just putting some idea on paper," she answered.

He looked at her laptop screen and raised his brow. "A clothing line?"

She smiled and looked at him. "Yeah, I've always wanted to have one since I was little."

"How come?"

"Well, as you know, my dad's a famous boxer. He did a lot of appearances and took me with him sometimes. Mom and I would tag along to his fittings a lot. So, I met a lot of designers. I would even beg my mom to stay with the designers just to watch them make my dad's suits. Just seeing them make clothes was so fascinating to me. So almost every summer, a designer would either come to our house or my mom and I would spend the summer where they lived while my dad did his thing in the ring."

Cameron gave her a sweet smile. "Go for it. I think it'll turn out amazing."

She then sighed. "That's the thing. I can't. We run a mafia, Cam."

"So? That doesn't mean anything. It's your dreams. Make them a reality, babe."

After eating together, Cameron headed to their shared bathroom whilst Riley sat at her computer and stared at the screen. She tried to imagine it—the clothing line actually existing. A collection that expressed her. Everything about her. Her personality. Her character. Her elegance, poise, prowess, power, confidence. All woven into fabric. A dream that she was more than able to make real. One that was waiting for her to accomplish.


Riley sat on the couch and began watching a drama as she was munching on some popcorn. While watching the movie, Cameron joined her.

"My uncle called you for help, didn't he?"

"Yeah." He answered. "The Gomez gang is being a thorn in their side at the moment."

She chuckled. "Not surprised. So, what did they do this time?"

Cameron wrapped his arm around her. "Still trying to get the Jones estate."

She sighed. "Mom did say the Gomez gang was quite a nuisance."

"I may need to step in if they push any further." Cameron grimaced. "I was really hoping to have the day off and spend it with you."

Suddenly the notifications on their phones went off.

The Jones family mafia managed to successfully defend their home. William Jones has officially stepped down as leader. And Sylvia Jones- West and Matt West have filed for divorce.  



The second to last chapter of this story. I had so much fun putting this entire story together and writing it. 

This series has become really special to me in the last five years I have been on Wattpad. I had first published the first book in 2016. My first year on this website. I honestly wasn't expecting to take off as much as it did at the time, but thank you. Thank you so much. 

The characters are like my babies now, haha. 

But seriously, thank you so much for the continuous support on the series. I wouldn't have gotten here without you all. Thank you so much!

Don't worry the story isn't over yet.

But for now, after the last chapter is updated, I will be taking a break from the series and doing completely different. I'm going to be pushing myself and getting out of my comfort zone a little bit. 

I'll be doing a Q&A on this book soon.

Send me questions in my PM! 

Ill try my best to answer as much as I can.

See you soon!

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