Chapter 133: Dragon's Fire, a Raging Storm

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"Times change; and I've learned a great deal during my exile," he countered.

"Say what you want about Robert's spawn, but at least Daveth was born here in Westeros, has lived here all his life. You on the other hand, chose to support a foreign invader," Randyll refers to Daenerys. "One with no ties to this land and with an army of savages at her back no less. I will not bend the knee to such vile madness."

"Daveth Baratheon has brainwashed you well. Manipulated you by appealing to your patriotism... You sad little pawn."

"I'm a Tarly. That name means something. We're not oathbreakers, we're not schemers. We don't stab our rivals in the back or waste any valuable, untapped potential. I swore allegiance to whoever held the crown, not to any particular family."

Another militia leader spoke up. "Daveth is our rightful monarch, not you! Go back to wherever distant land you came from!"

"You're not welcome here!" chimed another.

"We've had good years and bad years, same as anyone, but at least we were safe!" one of the Riverlands conscripts hollered.



"Dragonspawn bitch!"

"You're not my Queen!"

Daenerys felt herself growing increasingly frustrated at the jeers being hurled at her. "You will not trade your honor for your life. I respect that." She turns to Connington, who had already had one of the Dothraki guards bring forward another prisoner.

"Fichat rek mahrazh yatholat tat khaleesi. (Bring that man up to the Queen.)" He refers to one of them. "If that's not enough, Your Grace, I hereby present you with someone I'm sure you've heard before," he tells her. "This is the man who was sent by the Usurper to capture you and Viserys moments after your birth and the death of your father King Aerys. I present to you... Stannis Baratheon, Robert's younger brother and uncle to the false King who defiles the Iron Throne."

Daenerys stares down at Stannis, who doesn't even flinch at the younger woman standing before him. Following the Sack of King's Landing and the death of the Mad King, Robert claimed the throne and instructed his brother Stannis to conquer Dragonstone but failed to capture the remaining Targaryen heirs before Ser Willem Darry smuggled the child Viserys and newborn Daenerys across the Narrow Sea. Now, the circle was complete. "So, you're Robert Baratheon's brother," she glared at him. "You tried to have me and my brother killed?"

"I did," he replied.

"And you did so despite knowing full well that House Targaryen ruled the Seven Kingdoms for 300 years?"

"It was by far the hardest choice I've ever had to make. Still is. My brother or my King; blood or honor. Aerys ruled by right of all the laws in Westeros. Everyone knew the price of defiance. Even Robert's own lords were against him. But there are deeper, older laws that superseded the right of inheritance."

"Which is?"

"The younger brother bows before the elder. In the end, I followed Robert."

"Then tell me. Do you believe in the life to come?" Daenerys was ready to kill someone.

"I don't, but if I'm wrong... Go on. Do your duty." Stannis' thoughts turn to Shireen. The image of his daughter's face nearly brings tears to his eyes, but he's not going to die weeping in front of a woman he doesn't know.

Connington turned to the Lord of Highgarden. "And you, Lord Tyrell, I assume you won't bend the knee either? Your ancestor Harlen Tyrell surrendered Highgarden when King Mern the Ninth of House Gardener and all his sons were burned alive at the Field of Fire. Surely you're as wise as Harlen, no? Bend the knee and renew your house's fealty to House Targaryen and you will be allowed to keep your lands and titles."

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