😷Part 1😷

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It was early morning, Ponyboy and Sodapop, my two dogs, were licking my face begging me to take them outside.

"Alright Alright I'll get up" I laughed as I sat up.

Both of them quickly jumped off my bed and ran downstairs by the door. I followed them and slipped on my crocs, I opened the patio door and they right away ran outside. Stepping out of the door I was hit by the cold, early morning air, it was calming and was nicer than the usual california weather.

As soon as Ponyboy and Sodapop did their business they ran back inside so I could fill their food bowls. I shut the door and grabbed the big bag of dog food, taking the little measuring cup I put in the bag out and putting the food into their bowls.

I put the bag away and let them eat. I pulled out the eggs in the fridge and grabbed a frying pan, setting it on the stove and letting it heat up. I grabbed two eggs out of the carton and set them on the counter. I put the carton back in the fridge, grabbed the milk, and poured it into a glass, putting it back in the fridge when I was done.

I then cracked the eggs and put them in the frying pan. When they were done I put them on a plate and sat down to eat.

While I was eating I opened up twitter and was instantly bombarded by millions of posts about the virus and lockdown, I really didn't like reading about it so I shut the app and decided to watch some Netflix instead. I got a message from my good friend Kooly.

Hey (Y/N), I'm going
to be playing among us
with a few people
tonight on stream, I
need one more person
for the lobby and I was
wondering if you
wanted to join.

Hell yeah! Who's playing?

It's mostly people
we both know except for one
person, Ethan, his user
is crankgameplays on
youtube. Jason, eddy, Danny,
Chris, Julia, Luxie, Ashley,
Corpse, and Séan.

Sweet, can't wait!

I set my phone down and finished my breakfast. I quickly ran upstairs to my office and sat down so I could start editing the video I had filmed the day before.


Time skip brought to you by, Thick-It, if you wanna hit it, drink some Thick-it

It was almost time to start streaming I opened up twitter and put together a post letting people know about the stream.


Gonna be playing among us with a bunch of very pog people, come join!

I posted it and started stream. Once a bunch of people had joined to watch I ended the Starting Soon screen.

"What is up chat!" I said as I opened up discord "how we doin? Have we got our snacks?"

"How are Ponyboy and Sodapop doing" the text to speech read a dono

"They are doing good, their just chilling right now, honestly they're keeping me sane right now during lockdown" I laughed

I leaned back in my chair as I looked at chat.

"I suppose we should join discord now" I said as I read a message from Kooly

I joined the call and turned on my mic.

"Wassup" I laughed

"Hey (Y/N)!" Julia said

"WHATS UP" Jason yelled as he joined the call as he always does

I let out a little laugh.

"Anybody got any snacks or something tonight" Kooly asked so we'd have something to talk about while waiting for the others

Times Are Tough - Ethan Nestor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now