Ally Mayfair-Richards

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You and Ally have been dating for a few months now and you moved in together 2 weeks ago. Right now you were in the process of legally adopting Oz as your own son, he was such a sweet kid and Ally loved him so much, so obviously he became an important part of your life too. Today was your turn to pick him up after school because Ally had an online meeting from home around that time. You had very mixed feelings about Ally working from home, because she gets bored a lot and her new favourite hobby had become to tease you while you were working.  Today had been one of those days again, all day long she had been texting you and sending videos of her doing simple things, but things she knew triggered your imagination, like simply tapping her fingers against her thigh.

Normally, you wouldn't complain about this at all but today happened to be one of these days where you really couldn't be absent minded at work, you basically had to run the place. You were feeling a mixture between angry and incredibly horny, which was a very dangerous mix for Ally. You had an idea, well, a lot of ideas in your head as to what you wanted to do to her when you got home, but of course most of those things would be difficult with Oz around... . A simple phone call to Ally's parents would probably solve that problem though. 

You were just in your car after work when Ally sent you another video,  you hope she turned off her camera during the meeting. You catch a glimp of yourself in the rearview mirror and decide to crack a window because you looked a bit flustered, and Oz was not a stupid kid so you weren't going to take any risks. You parked the car near his school and texted him your location, he was old enough not to be picked up at the gates anymore. You heard the car door open and turned around so you had a clear view of the backseat. "Hey buddy! Had a good day at school?", you ask him in a sweet tone when he was comfortable and had his seatbelt on. Before he started talking about his day you had to ask him one little question first: "Hey listen up, since it's been a while, how would you feel about spending the night at your grandparent's? Mommy and I both have a lot of work to do so it would be boring at home anyways." He doesn't even need to think about it, a big smile instantly appears on his face (and a little smirk on yours) as he starts franctically nodding his head. 

Ally's POV

You could hear her car pull up in the driveway and all of a sudden you felt your abdomen tense up a little. You had been teasing y/n all day and you had no idea how she would react, she was usually very soft with you so maybe she would turn up as a whining mess and you would like it. You try and focus on that stupid meeting again because it was actually quite important and because of the headphones you were wearing you didn't even hear y/n come up to you. She stands on the other side of the kitchen table and leans on it with her arms, looking at you. You look back at her over your computer screen and give her the most innocent look you could manage. You quickly check if you are muted and then say: "Hi!", stretching the word a little, "Where's Ozzy? You didn't forget to pick him up right?". A sudden wave of concern washed over you. You never saw coming what she did next.

Your POV

All the teasing had awoken some power in you and you felt really confident right now, that's why it didn't take you two seconds to think about your next move. Only leaning on one hand now, the other one just presses down the screen of her laptop, you could not care any less about the meeting. The look upon her face was one you would not forget quickly, almost shocked. But there was also a sparkle in her eyes, as if she knew exactly what would happen and looked forward to it. "Ozzy is staying at his grandparent's tonight, I didn't want to upset him with his mommy's screams", you say with the face of an angel.  If her face was one of surprise earlier, then right now she looked as if she was having a stroke or something. "I-... Wh- What is happening?", she asks, her voice shaking a little. "Those who play with fire, get their fingers burned", is what you answer her, leaving the other side of the table and walking up to her. You roughly pull her off of her chair by her neck and press your lips against hers. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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