Chapter 2 (The Killer Minotaurious)

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The night was dark blue with white, patches. The loud winds swishing faster and faster of shouting waves crashing together. There was some rough squelching in the mud so deep you could drown to the bottom. 

However, far behind, the dark misty forest it's known to be so dangerous, that there's a big creature lurking about, called Minotaurious who has the head of a bull, on top of a body with a man chest and goat legs. It is so ferociously, powerful that, it needs to be killed. He carries, around an axe. He can kill, anyone from his sight, so he can cut up, the humans or elves bodies up with his axe, he's going to eat them up while they're in pain so, he can get bigger and stronger. Who knows , where he will turn to, or end up, to eat someone? 

"Skylar!" Queen Elenia shouted worriedly. "Yes what's wrong!" Skylar worriedly.  "I felt, what's going to happen so, I know what creature is trying to do, something horrible and disgusting" Queen Elenia said. "Oh! what! creature, is going to do, something horrible and disgusting" King Skylar in shock.  "It's, a Minotaurious! he's going to kill humans, and cut them up also, he will eat them, and he's not gonna give a care, in the world of the living. "That is really horrible and disgusting!" King Skylar, feeling in terror.

Meanwhile, it starts in the misty world on the land of humans, called Earth. There is a house, by a street called Terror street! There is a girl, called Akari Ya-San she is, sixteen years old and she loves drawing her own mystical creatures, that don't exist. on Monday, Akari Ya-San went, to high school. She has, seven lessons that are Art, English, Maths, Science, music, Geography and Ict. First, she has Art, then English also, Maths after that, she has break time, only around 25 minutes until her other class, called Science.

 Then she had lunch at twelve o'clock, she sat with her three friends, called Noah Openjai, Violet Lalee, Rosie Rivers. They ate their lunches together, on the table. After lunch they have, Music class. They all played Music together, in the Music room. Noah played the guitar, Violet played the flute, Rosie played the violin, also, lastly but not least Akari Ya-San was singing while playing the keyboard. They all played such a beautiful, Music for one hour, after their Music lesson they have only, two more classes to go, that is Geography and Ict. 

After school, Violet went through, the forest slowly, and she heard some footprints, in the mud getting louder, and louder, every time like an elephant stomping. She walks a bit faster suddenly, Violet stopped walking trying to hear, with her little ears if what ever, was walking near has gone away but, however Violet heard no more footprints, she did hear someone cutting a tree with a chain saw, it was so loud; Violet ran to go home very fast like a cheetah before, she might get the tree to fall on her. 

"King Skylar, could you tell commander Eliss and the soldiers to supervise Earth where the humans is? I feel, maybe any child is at risk, of big danger soon" as Queen Elenia stuttered.  "Okay, my wife," King Skylar said calmly. "Commander Eliss, could you, as well ask the soldiers to patrol by the land of the humans called Earth, and search any scary creature in the forests because Queen Elenia said, she felt that maybe any child would be at risk, of big danger. If you see any creature, that's trying to cause any harm to anyone, then straight away maybe kill it, or send it to his land, in Evil - In. While using his magic to transfer the evil creature to his land." King Skylar asked. 

"Okay! your majesty, thank you, for lending your magic. I will be careful, and the soldiers. I will use my invisibility magic, to make me and the soldiers to be invisible. The creature won't see us in the forest, meanwhile if we see it causing any harm, then we would choose to kill it or send it back to his land. Just what you suggested" Eliss is thankful. 

"Alright! Eliss, you're welcome," said King Skylar. "Blossom, I told commander Eliss, to monitor the forests because you felt a child might be at risk of any big danger and I gave him my magic, so he could probably send the evil creature back to his land or maybe he and the they could just kill it and he said he would do that what, I asked him he could do also, he said he's going to use his invisibility magic, to make himself and the soldiers invisible so, they won't be seen by the creatures" said King Skylar. 

"Yes! that's great, I hope everyone is safe specially the teenage children Queen Elenia is worried. 

On the next, day Tuesday the four teenagers, go to high school, for the second time. They have their usual, seven lessons. In Art lesson, Violet and Rosie was talking in class. "Do you want to come with me to the forest and pick some blueberries and black berries? for my mum so, she can make yummy, scrumptious blueberry and blackberry pie for tea" said Violet nicely. "Yes! of course,  I would like to come, just let me call, my mum at the end of school" Rosie said kindly. 

"Off course that's great, Violet's impression is happy. After some time, they both, painted a very nice picture of the ocean and fishes, with a rainbow across the sky. Akari Ya-San and Noah did a little, statue made out of clay that they are painting now, they made a statue of a cat. Them four students, made that for their projects for their Art course work for GCSE. So, the rest of the day, the four students continue, with their lessons until at the end of the school day. 

When it was, the end of the school, Violet waited for Rosie because, Rosie is going to call her mum, if she could go with Violet to pick blueberries and black berries in the forest.

"Hi! mum, could I go with my friend, Violet to the forest to pick up blueberries and black berries, for her mum, to make pie?" asked Rosie nicely. "Okay! if you want, you can stay their for the afternoon, as well but come home, afterwards, okay?" said Rosie's mother. 

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