Chapter 14 The Elder Council.

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In the magical world of Chima, during the Heroes journey across the Under Realm and the war with the Wild Horde, everything was calm. Each tribe worried about their Heroes, but tried to live on, helping each other. Instead of Worriz, Wakz, the oldest of the wolves, was appointed as the temporary leader of the wolves. Despite his age, he was full of strength and determination. He represented the wolves at the Elder Council.

In the Lion Temple, Lagravis was preparing for the Elder Council to resolve the issue of Outlands. Recently, there has been no news from Scorm and the Dark Tribes, which greatly worried the Lion King. However, his thoughts were occupied by others. He thought about his wife and son and was worried about them. There has been no son for a long time, and Lagravis was worried about him, afraid of losing him as well as Leona. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door and Longtooth who entered the room.

- The Leaders have arrived, Your Majesty. They waiting for you in the Hall. - Longtooth said.

- I'm coming. - answered Lagravis and took the crown from the shelf, where he put it.

He went to the door and left the room with Longtooth, heading in the Council Hall. Commander Lions noticed the sadness and excitement on the King's face.

- Don't worry about Laval, sir. He is a smart fellow and a brave warrior. In the new lands, he will be able to stand up for himself, besides, friends and your brother are with him. - the commander reassured him.

- I tell myself this too, but my heart is constantly beating with anxiety. We do not know anything about those lands and who lives in it. And I'm not sure if Leona is alive either. - answered Lagravis, walking down the corridor.

- Laval always said "there always hope". Trust in your son. He can handle it. - Longtooth encouraged King.

- There is so much we do not know about our world. First the Phoenixes, and now the Under Realm. Everything I believed in and all the Legends were destroyed. - said the King of Lions.

- Sir, sometimes we all need to develop and learn something new. Our world is constantly changing, and we must change with it. Although I still honor our Legends, now I am trying to learn more of the secrets of Chima and, perhaps, discover something new that will help us in the future. - shared his thought Longtooth.

This thought struck Lagravis so much that he pondered over it. But it's true: our world is expanding, opening up new horizons with its own secrets and riddles. King Lions did not notice as he had already reached the gate leading to the Council Hall.

- Thanks for the wise words, Longtooth. It really helped me distract myself from my sadness. - Lagravis thanked the commander.

- Not at all, sir. Will there be any orders? - Longtooth asked.

Lagravis thought, starting to scratch his beard.

- Any news on Outlands or the areas around this Golden Bridge? - asked the King of Lions.

- No, sir. The Tribes of the Black Clouds have not shown themselves, but the garrison under the command of Leonidas is watching them. - Longtooth replied.

- We have free squad to travel to the western lands, where is the Golden Bridge? - asked the King of Lions.

- Squad 104 under Lensor's colonel has not yet been mobilized. - Commander Lions answered.

- Send this squad to the western lands. Let them keep an eye on the Bridge. I have to go to the negotiations. - answered Lagravis and opened the gates to the hall.

 - answered Lagravis and opened the gates to the hall

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