Babysitting (Bokuto x Akaashi's Daughter)

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Y/n pov:

"Are you ready Y/n" my dad asked.

"Yes" I answered.

"Then shall we go?" He asks.

"Yeah" I said.

We arrived at the Uncle Bokuto's house, I hopped out the car when it stopped in the driveway. I ran up to Bokuto who was standing outside the front door.

"Hi Uncle Bokuto" I said hugging his leg.

"Hey Y/n" he says picking me up.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked.

"I dunno we'll see" Bokuto says.

"Hey Bokuto" my dad says handing him a bag.

"Hey hey hey Akaashi" Bokuto said.

"Thanks for looking after Y/n" my dad said.

"No problem I'll look after Y/n anytime" Bokuto says.

"Well I have to go now goodbye Y/n Bokuto" he says kissing me on the forehead.

"Bye dad" I said.

"Bye Akaashi" Bokuto says.

Once my dad left Bokuto looks at me.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Bokuto asks.

"Yeah" I said.

Bokuto walked inside and put me down on the couch, before walking off. He comes back ten minutes later with popcorn and a blanket.

"I got some popcorn and a blanket" Bokuto says sitting down next to me.

"Can we watch Frozen?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" Bokuto says.

While we were watching Frozen, Bokuto started singing so I decided to join him.

"Cant hold it back anymore" Bokuto says.

"Let it go let it go" I said joining in.

"Turn away and slam the door"

"I dont care what they're going to say" I said.

"Let the storm rage on" Bokuto says.

"The cold never bothered me anyways" I said.

"Its funny h-" Bokuto was saying until he stopped when he saw Akaashi.

My dad was standing there holding a phone in his hands like he was recording.

"Hey dad" I said.

"Hey sweetpea" my dad says putting his phone away.

"Hey hey hey Akaashi" Bokuto says.

"Hey Bokuto" he says.

"How was work?" Bokuto asks.

"Boring" he simply said.

"Oh" Bokuto said.

"Anyways we should get going thanks for looking after Y/n for me" he said.

"Bye Y/n bye Akaashi" he says.

"Bye Uncle Bokuto" I said.

"Bye Bokuto" he said.

"Come back anytime" Bokuto shouted.

"We will" I shouted from the car.

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