How to Moisturize your Hair in Tropical Areas

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First of all, when you lived in such a climate where the air is moist then spritzing your hair with water may get you sick. So here are some tips on moisturizing your hair but not getting sick. If you are going to spritz your hair with water then use a very teeny tiny amount of water because the air around you is already moist. So adding water to your hair may cause you to develop influenza. This is what I would do on weekdays. I would add some leave in deep conditioner to my hair or any other creamy product to my hair and for my scalp I would use an oil. I personally prefer olive oil to any other oil but you can use what ever you want. That is for weekdays so let me show you what I would do for weekends when you might have more time. Just a tip, do this on wash day. Add a leave in deep conditioner so you do not have to rinse it out. Add oil to your scalp than get your conditioning cap ready to put over your hair. Let that for thirty minutes to an hour. Rinse if you did not use a leave in and style. The best style to do after doing this is a twist out or a wash and go.
Here is how I do a sweet twist out.
                                               TWIST OUT
As always section your hair into as many sections as you want. Then detangle the sections. After that go ahead and add your favorite product to each section. For this style I used Blue Magic Organic's Indian Hemp. Add some gel. Twist it up put on your satin or silk cap or scarf or pillowcase and head to bed. In the morning just unravel the twists for a beautiful twist out.If you need a reference, I did a total of twenty three twist for my hair. If you want to see a video on this go to Naptural85's youtube channel and for her twist out videos or go to her playlist and look for a video that tells you how to do a twist out. I hope you enjoyed this style because I love it so much. Please try this style out because it may just suit you. Also remember to vote and comment.

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