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Klavier shifted his hand from one fret to the other, lost in his music. Juniper sang beside him, looking so much like Lamiroir but not quite possessing her grace or singing talent. He had to admit that her talent was amazing for someone with so little experience, and she held up well as a shy girl in front of a hundred students.

He spared a glance at the audience, looking at the very back. Brown spikes of hair poked straight up through the crowd, the only visible part of his short rival, Apollo. He glanced at Juniper, and saw her blushing as she stared straight at the defense attorney.

Klavier's finger slipped, and he almost messed up the entire song. He quickly corrected his near-mistake, and continued as if nothing had happened, an easy smile on his face to prove he had no cares in the world. Of course, he had many cares, but he had to keep up an image.

It was a little hard to stop his smile from slipping as he thought of Juniper's blush, however.


Apollo watched the performance, Athena to one side and Trucy on the other. He much preferred this song to any of the other songs that the Gavinners used to play. He did have a weak spot for "My Boyfriend is the Prosecution's Witness", but he would never admit that to anyone.

It was clear the true focus on stage was intended to be Juniper. Her luminescent cloak lit up her face softly, revealing a faint blush on her cheeks. Her hair was twisted to each side, making her look like the singer Lamiroir that Apollo had met before.

Though the spotlight was on Juniper that night, she wasn't what Apollo focused on.

His short stature made it difficult to see over other people, but he still had a good view of Klavier. The ex-rockstar's fingers moved deftly over the strings of the guitar, electric replaced by acoustic for this special song. Juniper's singing was beautiful, but Apollo had ears only for the subtle strumming of the instrument.

And he had eyes only for the instrument's performer, it seemed, for his bracelet tightened as Klavier looked to him, then Juniper, and Apollo perceived Klavier's pleasant smile fade to a frown for a moment.

Apollo rubbed his wrist, looking at Athena, who was smiling up at Juniper. Apollo could sense sadness from his co-worker, as well, and he looked to Trucy to escape that too.

Trucy was enjoying the song, completely happy, swaying slightly to the beat. Her eyes were closed, and she looked completely at ease. Apollo relaxed upon seeing his assistant, but as he looked back at Klavier, he could still detect his slight nervous frown.

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