"The Future? How could it know?" Steve questioned Sitwell who just laughs.

"How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it." You all shoot him a look of confusion. "Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, e-mails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores. Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future."

"And what then?" You asked, staring over to Steve.

"Oh, my God. Pierce is gonna kill me." Sitwell wept.

"What then?!" You raised your voice and Sitwell immediately answered in a cry.

"Then the Insight Helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time."

You all knew your next step was to drive to Trinskelion.

You were on the freeway in the passenger seat as Sam was driving and Nat and Steve in the back with Sitwell between them.

"HYDRA doesn't like leaks." Sitwell wines from the back of the car.

"So why don't you try sticking a cork in it." Sam shot.

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here." Nat informs as she shoots you a unsure look.

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly." Steve says to Sitwell.

"What?! Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea." Sitwell screeched.

Suddenly, the someone lands on the car roof and in an instant, he pulls Sitwell out through the window and throws him into the oncoming traffic, killing him.

He then starts shooting at you until Steve pulls the break handle making the man drop down onto the street, as another car smashes into your car and pushes you along.

The mysterious man jumps back onto your car, smashing through the windscreen and pulls out the steering wheel.

"Shit!" Sam screeched as his eyes widened into oncoming traffic.

You begin shooting at him but the man jumps onto the vehicle behind you.

The car is being pulled off the road.

Steve holds on to the car door and yells, "Hang on!" He breaks open the door, holding onto you, Natasha and Sam.

You slide on the car door through the street.

"Who the hell is that now?" You grunt as you stood up, helping Sam next to you.

The man is joined by others and he starts shooting at you four.

You all scatter and run off in different directions.

With no sign of Steve, Nat or Sam, you knew you had to handle this yourself.

As you are running down the highway, you realized that the man was shooting at you from above. You swiftly turn and shoot at him twice and he ducks behind the highway. You caught a quick glimpse of him, realizing you've seen him before.

You kept on running to get off of the crowded highway. You glanced back, noticing no one was chasing you until suddenly, the man who you witnessed earlier on top of Steve's rooftop a couple of nights ago jumps down and begins to shoot at you.

"Ah!" You squeal as you blocked the bullets by diving onto the floor. So many cuts and bruises covered your body but you didn't care.

The man was in pursuit, trying to get you and you only.

Glancing back again quickly, you noticed you lost the man in the mask and goggles.

Captain America The Winter Soldier Where stories live. Discover now