Two agents are coming straight towards you.

You zigzagged all around the mall to dodge them.


You were finally on your way to New Jersey. Steve stole a car in the packed parking lot.

You were sitting in the back seat, holding your cell phone. You were debating whether to call your father.

"Where did Captain America learn how to steal a car?" Nat smirked to Steve in the passengers seat.

"Nazi Germany." He answered. "And we're borrowing. Take your feet off the seat." Steve turned to you as he witnessed your legs are cross crossed.

You rolled your eyes.

You weren't really listening to Steve and Nat having a full blown conversation in the front seat. All you could do really is just stare at your cell phone, wondering why Tony hasn't called you first. You thought he'd be all over it.

"Y/N?" Steve raised his voice for you to hear.


"You alright back there?" Nat turned her back to you, seeming a little worried why you were so quiet.

"Yeah, um-" You shoved your phone into your jacket pocket. "Fine. How long?"

The signal beeps on the gps.

"Now." Nat pressed the button that said arrived.

You three pull up to outside an abandoned military base where the signal led.

"This is it." Steve studied it.

You three get out of the car and walk up to the gate. "The file came from these coordinates." Nat showed the gps to you.

"So did I." Steve answered in a very low tone.

Later that night, you three walk around the base trying to pinpoint where the signal came from.

"This camp is where I was trained." Steve studied the place inch by inch.

You stopped for a moment and studied it yourself. "Changed much?"

"A little." Steve scoffed lightly.

"This is a dead end. Zero heat signature, zero waves, not even radio. Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people offline." Nat realized on the gps.

You notice a building ahead of you, "What is it?" You three walk to the building.

"Army regulations forbid storing ammunition within five hundred yards of the barracks. This building is in the wrong place." Steve opens the lock with his shield and you enter inside. When you turn on the lights, you notice it's a SHIELD office.

"This is SHIELD." You glanced up and studied the walls and the computers.

"Maybe where it started." Steve adds.

You enter a room where you find old framed portraits of Howard Stark, your grandfather and an other soldier.

"Huh." You realized, "I guess Tony isn't telling me everything."

"Who's the girl?" You turned to Steve to get the attention off of you. Steve doesn't reply and turns away to walk further down the room and stops by a massive book shelf.

"If you're already working in a secret office-" Steve pushes the books shelf and slides open to reveal an elevator behind it. "Why do you need to hide the elevator?"

You three share a confused and knowing look.

You go down the elevator which takes you to a room with old looking computers.

Captain America The Winter Soldier Where stories live. Discover now