'ah, so that's his quirk huh? copying somebody's quirk by making physical contact with them'

"that's my ...!"

"he copied your quirk bakugo!"

"you bastard!" bakugo tried knocking monoma off with his explosion quirk but failed because he used kirishima's hardening.

"what? my quirk? am i looking in a mirror?" kirishima asked.

"nah, this jerk's just a copycat" bakugo said, making eye contact with monoma.

"ding ding!" monoma exclaimed, which means bakugo is correct.

"don't let him touch gojo, he might copy her quirk and could possibly the reason of our loss" bakugo commanded.

"ah, too late! you guys were too busy arguing you didn't even notice me" monoma cockily said.

"oh? as if you'd be able to cipy my quirk. good luck with that. bakugo, let's go for the 10 million. now" i glared at him, but he still won't listen.

he blast himself off to the air and grabbed two of monoma's headband, making us go in to the third place.

"i ain't done yet you!!" bakugo angrily yelled.

"huh??" me and sero said, confused.

"i'm not settling for some half-ass first place!" bakugo ranted while banging his knuckles on kirishima's head.

"i couldn't brace myself going alone so move!!" bakugo commanded to the group.

"soy sauce face, tape now!" bakugo yelled.

"you missed" monoma smugly said.

"it was on purpose, asshole" i scowl at him as mina created a path while i activated infinity so they couldn't touch us.



"absolutely merciless!"

"todoroki and deku next!!" bakugo said, successfully grabbing every points team momoma have.

we ran as fast as we can to catch todoroki's headband but unfortunately, midnight announced that the time's already up making bakugo land to the floor with the face first.

'oh, what a funny sight' i giggled.

"in first place, team todoroki!"

"in second place, team bakugo!" this announcement made bakugo throw trantum and scream.

'what a child' i sighed

"in third place, team tetsu– huh? woah! it's team shinso!"

'hm? he really got this far huh'

"in fourth, team midoriya!"

i looked around to my right and saw midoriya crying a river. i noticed todoroki look in his left hand as well

'why is he looking at his left hand?'


"satoru! megumi!" i yelled happily, walking up to them.

"ah, mimi-chan! you were so good earlier, i was cheering so loud for you" satoru said in amazement.

"it's true, he was so loud i thiught i was gonna go deaf" a boy with pink haired said.

"oh? who's this? megumi is this your boyfriend?" i questioned, genuinely confused.

megumi's cheeks flushed in embarrassment "no, what are you talking about" megumi said, avoiding eye contact.

'yep, he totally has a crush on him'

"oh! that's itadori yuji, he's sukuna's vessel!" satoru said.

"sukuna!? woaaah, what does the finger tastes like?" i said in wonder as i look at him.

"gojo-sensei here's the takoy– oh? who's this he looks like you ... did you have an affair with a woman?" a brown haired girl said.

'i like her' i smirked, i have a feeling we'd be great friends.

"kugisaki nobara, i'm the only girl in first year" nobara said

"ooooh nice to meet you! i'm this annoying guy's sister!" i cheerfully introduced myself, pointing to my brother.

"well, i have to go! you better cheer as loud as you can for me satoru" i jokingly said.

"also say hi to maki-senpai, toge-senpai and panda-senpai for me!!" i waved at them. as i walked to the cafeteria to eat with mina and the girls.

a hero not a sorcererNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ