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The drive from Gangnam-gu to Seongdong-gu went by like a breeze as Jung Hyun and Hae Sun held hands the entire ride. They did not expect that Chung Hwa would leave them for the night, but they appreciated her gesture because it meant they could spend more alone time together. Video calls were helpful and nice but being in each other's presence was still different. It made them realize how much they missed each other.

"I had fun tonight. Thank you for watching the show with me." Hae Sun said shyly as Jung Hyun pulled over his car in an empty street next to her parents' house.

He turned towards her and held her hand with both of his. "I had fun too. Thank you for inviting me." She brushed his bangs away with her free hand and turned her body in her seat to face him more fully.

"I wish I could spend more time with you, but I have an early shoot tomorrow and –"

"Kwenchanayo. Being with you like this is enough for me."

They just sat there, looking at each other, as a soft ballad played in the background.

"Jung Hyun-ah"


"Can I check?"

Jung Hyun looked at her curiously and asked, "Check what?"

Hae Sun did not reply and simply removed the loop of his mask from his left ear. Her eyes twinkled as she did so, and Jung Hyun instantaneously smiled at her action. Gently, he let go of her hand and removed the loop of her mask from her right ear.

"Haebwa. Check."

Hae Sun unconsciously bit her lower lip as she brushed a finger on top of Jung Hyun's upper lip. He did shave, like he said, but it was the least of her concerns. She caressed the side of his jaw and held his gaze before moving forward to kiss him in the lips. It was soft and warm just as she remembered, and she felt comforted being this close to him once again. She opened her mouth to deepen their kiss and Jung Hyun responded by placing one hand on her waist and the other on the nape of her neck. They poured out their longing for each other and finally ended the night with a long and tight embrace.

Thank the heavens for Cha Chung Hwa.

They wondered if she could chaperone more often. 

*The End*

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