The beginning

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*Azalie's POV* 

My alarm clock blares in my ear causing me to groan and quickly hit the snooze button making the annoying ringtone I set go completely silent. I hated early mornings more than the next person and in this moment I am questioning why I agreed to go on this tour in the first place. Quickly remembering that I get to spend a whole summer with my bestfriend Ash around some amazing music and career opportunities I throw the covers of my blankets off of me and sit up in bed to wake myself up before starting to gather my bags.

After allowing myself a couple of minutes to aimlessly scroll on my phone through social media I finally convince myself to get out of the warmth of my bed. I stand up and pull the covers back up so they are neat and tidy. I turn on my bedroom light, stretch and rub my eyes. I quickly change into some black leggings, and oversized pastel blue hoodie, and some white vans. I exit my room and turn on my bathroom light and look into the mirror. I run a hairbrush through my long orange Ombre hair and throw it up into a messy bun. After taking one last look at myself I gather my bags and turn off the lights in my apartment. I grab my keys from the counter along with my wallet and step out into the slightly breezy early morning air of L.A. After Locking my apartment door I quickly rush myself to my car and throw my things in. 

After getting settled in the drivers seat, and pulling onto the main road I pull my cell phone from my hoodie pocket and tell siri to call Ash. It rings twice before she answers. 

"Good morning sunshine!" She chimes into the phone.

"Hi doll, I just wanted to let you know that I am on my way to the bus lot. You sound extra chipper this morning." I say with a smile, knowing that we are all excited to kick off with this tour. 

"Oh goodie! I'm headed there now as well, I can't wait to see you!" She says in one breath. 

"Okay well drive safe, see you soon babes." I say hovering my finger over the end call button as I make a turn on to the freeway. She says bye and hangs up before I had the chance. As I drive to the bus lot I can't help but to picture what Warped Tour will be like from behind the scenes. I had attended quite a few when I was younger as a fan, but this was going to be different. I was going to be apart of the Warped Tour experience and making my bestfriend look like a total badass for every show and also being able to meet so many incredible new artists. As I got lost in my thoughts I almost missed my turn into the parking lot but quickly pulled myself back to reality in time to make a very sharp turn in. 

I pulled into a parking space and shut my car, exiting it. I turned around and couldn't help but to be taken a little aback at how large the bus actually is. I'm pulled from my thoughts once again when I see Ash and Frankie (the bassist) heading my way. 

"Crazy huh?" Ash says as she walks up to me and wraps me in a quick embrace. 

"Hi babes. Crazy doesn't even begin to describe this." 

"You're going to love it." Frankie pulls me in for a quick embrace as well. I smile at him. 

"How you doing Frank?" I open the trunk of my car and the three of us start dragging my bags out. 

"Tired, but ready to start this thing and enjoy our summer!" He lifts the handle to my suitcase as I shut my trunk and we head towards the bus with my luggage. 

"I'm a little bit intimidated by all of this if I have to be honest but this is gong to be an amazing experience to say the least." Ash and Frankie nod in agreeance as we haul my stuff into the bus. Once inside my jaw drops. It's absolutely gorgeous with much more room than I was actually anticipating. The living room has an L-shaped sectional with a tv mounted on the way and the kitchen countertops are granite and the dining area is a booth tucked into the corner. 

"Here I'll show you the bunks. Frank and I already claimed ours but don't worry, there's still some good ones left." Ash says putting an arm over my shoulder, smiling at me and guiding me back. There are 8 bunks in total. Ash claimed the first top bunk on the left and Frankie the first bottom one on the right. 

"Pick your poison." She gestures to the open bunks left and I pretend like it's a hard decision but deep down I really didn't care what one I got. 

"This one." I smile throwing my bags onto the top bunk directly across from Ash. 

"I knew you were going to choose that one. We're too inseparable. I'm really glad you decided to come Z. We're going to have the best time." She says. I give her a playful frown and wrap my arms around her for a hug, before all of the other band members start arriving. Once things became a bit chaotic before departure I decided to lay down in my bunk and try to get some more sleep that I knew I was going to need for the long journey ahead of us. 

And boy did I not know the whirlwind I was about to delve into. 

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