(Chapter: 3) Hangout Time!

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Once the whole house tour was done with, Hime decided to go to her bedroom. "Wait, so all this time she and Aguri have been living together?!" Emi thought to herself. She walked into the bedroom where Hime was lying on her bed, or so she thought...

"Why are you in Aguri's bed?" Emi asked in a confused manner. "Because it's so soft..." Hime mumbled, "I'm so tired today..."
Emi sweatdropped at the scene. "What a mood..."
"But I'll go back to my bed in a moment," Hime groaned as she got up and moved onto her bed. "There."
Emi sighed, "Things can't be helped..."
"Aguri slept on my bed, so I slept in hers in return." Hime explained.

Then, Aguri walked into the room. "Hey," she greeted to Emi.
"Oh hey, Aguri-chan," Emi greeted back like usual.
"I liked Bestie Hime's bed..." She confessed. "So, that's why she sleeps in yours?" Emi asked, while Aguri nodded. They both walked back to the bedroom upstairs, and with no hesitation Aguri went onto Hime's bed. The exact same way Hime did to her bed. Emi widened her eyes at the scene. "You weren't kidding..." "I know." Aguri replied back with a grin. Then, Aguri walked to a corner of the room as if wanting to talk in private.

"Can we talk?" She asked. Emi nodded and walked in. "What are things you don't like about me? Anything?"

Emi widened her eyes at that question. She and Aguri had just met, how is she supposed to know?!
"Something I don't like about you?"
"Ummmmm..." Emi thought for a moment. Then, she remembered something.


Emi was on her phone, watching some anime. She was watching her ultimate favorite anime, Precure. (Easter egg there, lol)

She was watching Doki Doki Precure, watching as Cure Heart and the others were battling with the Jikochuu. However, she didn't like a certain cure. That being, Cure Ace or Aguri Madoka.

She hated Ace for many things, specifically her bossiness and strict attitude towards Mana and the others. She would always be lecturing or even scolding them whenever they made just one little mistake.

"Jeez, why does Aguri have to be so mean to everyone?" Emi sighed and pouted. "She's not the leader of Doki Doki anyways, but she still doesn't have to be so harsh to them."

"If only she were nicer, maybe then I can like her..." She said to herself, before putting her phone away and moving onto something else.

~ Flashback over ~

"Well, I don't really like strict people." Emi said briefly coming back to her senses. She tried to sound nice, because despite meeting one of her least favorite cures, she didn't want to sound like a mean girl. Especially since she had just moved to Japan, she can't make a bad reference to herself! Then, Hime walked into the living room where Aguri and Emi were.

"Hi," Hime greeted. "Oh hey, Hime-chan," Emi grinned when Hime came back.

"Do you really hate strict people?" She asked suddenly.

Emi then looked at her. "Oh crap, I can't hurt any of their feelings!" Emi thought, "I'm meeting the actual Precures themselves- okay, calm down Emi. Sound nicer to the cures and just become their friends."

"Kinda..." She replied back nervously. "But Aguri seems kind of nice.... it's hard to describe it but you know."

"Aguri isn't strict towards me." Hime said. "Yes, I see." Emi nodded.

"She is very sweet, and loving." Hime confessed. Of course, after seeing them in their own show and knowing each character well, Emi refused to believe that but she nodded anyways. "Well, if you say so..."

They went to the kitchen then, and Aguri came in. "It's you!" "Yes, welcome back Aguri." Emi smiled at her.

"What did Bestie Hime say to you?" Aguri asked Emi, giving her a curious look.

"She told me you are sweet, loving and never really strict towards her." Emi explained, Aguri nodding in understanding manner. She then walked to a white-board that was in front of them.

"Guess what is in the board means?" She asked.
"You and Hime...." Emi gazed, "The warriors..."

Aguri silently chuckled at that. "You are nice to her." Emi said what Hime told her. "Yeah, she's my strength." Aguri told her. "I am sweet and loving to someone I like," she explained.

"I-I didn't know you be like that..." Emi said in total shock. "Especially towards someone like Hime."

"Yes, sorry if I'm moody," Aguri apologized. "It's fine," Emi claimed with a bit of a nervous smile.
"I was like this to Ruru and the others."

"Well, if you're like that to them, I trust you..." Emi confronted her with a smile.
"So, wanna talk to my bestie Hime?" Aguri asked her, earning a nod. She then went to go get Hime. She greeted Emi, and she did the same in return.

"Did Aguri say that she is only nice to people she likes?" Hime wanted to make sure. "Yeah, especially towards you, Ruru and all the others..." Emi was memorized by those words. She didn't remember ANYTHING about Aguri being nice to her Precure friends, did something happen?

Hime nodded. "So, it's true?" Emi was shocked by that answer. Hime once again nodded, "Outside of our friend group, she's still strict and bossy towards others."
"Yes, that makes sense..." Emi replied back, still loss of words.

"So, she's still mean and strict towards others. Just not Hime and their friend group?" Emi thought in her head.

"That's the reason why I didn't like her from the start." Hime confessed.

"Yep, I understand you." Emi agreed.

"But now, we're besties!" Hime confronted in more of a happy manner. "You two are?" Emi was confused, as Hime giggled. "Nothing will ever ruin our friendship, not even our personalities!"
"I-I see..." Emi was in loss of words after what she just heard.

But what she really wanted to find out how she and Aguri became friends. Well, more like best friends since it appears that the two are very close.

"I don't understand at all," Emi was confused and wondered in her head. "How did Aguri and Hime become best friends when they are the complete opposites?"

"So, can we be friends?" Hime asked. Emi was brought back to reality, and nodded. "Oooooh~ yes!" She nodded eagerly.

"Yay!" Hime said and jumped in a joyful manner. Emi was so happy. Not only did she meet two of the legendary warriors, but she became friends with Hime or better known as a Precure! This was going to be so exciting.

"Yes! I finally made a new friend here!" Emi celebrated. "Now, I can't wait to make more!"

"Anyways, I'm way more energetic." Hime confronted. "Indeed." Emi agreed.

"So, did you notice that we have the opposite personalities?" She asked the pink haired girl. "Yeah, I did."

Aguri came back into the room. "Describe please," she asked her.

"Well, you're strict and bossy," Emi explained. "While Hime is energetic and kind of childish." Aguri giggled at that response. "That's how I see it."

"Opposites attract." Aguri stated. Then, Emi remembered those words. "Opposites attract is what they always say..."

"That's what they always say..." Emi mumbled.
"That's why we became Besties." Aguri explained. Emi nodded in an understanding matter.

"However, I will warn you that Hime can be protective of me." Aguri warned her before walking out of the room. "So please be careful!"

"Protective? What does she mean by that?" and with those thoughts running though her head, Aguri left the room and Hime walked in.

To be continued.... Next part coming soon!

Our New Friend ~Precure All Stars Mashup~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang