part 8

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Derek: it's apart of the game come on why agree to play
Y: i didn't i just sat down because if i didn't cherry would nag me later
Fernanda: ugh let me show this bitch how it's done

fernanda grabbed dereks shirt and kissed him then started making out with him until she pulled away giving him another peck on the lips

Y: yea i'm going home i almost threw up in my damn mouth that's disgusting
Talyeh: oh bitch please you thought you were gonna get a kiss off my man
Y: no i don't want a kiss from anyone i didn't even want to come to this lame ass party
Kobe: lame
Y: yes boy lame when you've been to sorority parties then ones like this just suck so i'm going home
Talyeh: go then bitch
Y: you got one more time to call me a bitch before i punch you
Talyeh: ok bitch

y/n got up stumbling a little then catching her balance and laughing at herself then she walked to talyeh punching her in the face almost falling while talyeh held her face looking down at the floor crying and y/n kicked larray waking him up and they walked out while cherry walked out behind them they had their hand on the doorknob downstairs about to walk outside until they heard fernanda and devyn yelling so they turned around

Fernanda: you stupid bitch you can't touch our friend like that
Y: well i did
Devyn: who do you think you are
Y: a girl that's not gonna sit there and let someone disrespect her over and over again maybe that'll teach her some manners
Devyn: you need to leave now
Y: yea honey that was kind of my plan idiot

y/n rolled her eyes and opened the door walking out with cherry and larray behind her when they got in the car cherry got in the back with larray and they instantly fell asleep while y/n started the car and drove off once they made it to her house she woke them up and they all quietly walked inside to not wake her parents up but as soon as they stepped in the kitchen lights flicked on and they all squinted their eyes due to the brightness

Y/m: where have y'all been
Y: a party
Y/m: it is twelve in the morning and y'all are just now getting back
Y: sorry
Y/m: and i know you didn't drive drunk
Y: mom i wasn't drunk i'm just tipsy i can still walk and all of that
Y/m: give me your keys for the rest of the week you can walk to school no bus no car and no starbucks
Y: mom come on dude
Y/m: no keys now

y/n walked to her mom giving her the keys then giving her a fake smile before rolling her eyes and walking up the stairs with the others then they all sat down on her bed looking at each other

Larray: how the hell we getting to school now
Y: cherry ask kobe or some
Cherry: i don't have his number
Y: ugh we're really gonna have to walk
Cherry: looks like it

y/n got up grabbing a pair of pajamas and walked into the bathroom getting undressed then going in the shower a minute or two past until larray and cherry got in with her and she turned around covering herself

Y: are you crazy get out
Cherry: this is the only place we can talk without a chance of your mom hearing so listen we got a plan for tomorrow
Y: ok what is it
Larray: we can steal your moms keys
Y: no my mom's a doctor and her equipment is in her car she's going to need it
Larray: what about your dad
Y: he's a lawyer all his files from cases are in his car he needs it as well
Cherry: damn so we really walking tomorrow
Y: sadly yes we sure are
Larray: we need a job
Y: hell yea but i'm not working where anyone will know who i am
Cherry: at this point i'm down to be a stripper
Y: good because so am i
Larray: and i'll be y'all pimp

they all laughed then finished showering before getting out drying off and while y/n put on her pajamas they left out stealing some of hers and putting them on then they all laid down under the cover watching horror movies and talking

Larray: honestly think about it this way if you were one of the white girls in the movie you'd trip as well especially if you just twisted your ankle
Y: no i'd do what common sense says and run on the other leg and just use that ankle to push me off
Larray: but once that pain gets too severe then that ankle will give out and you're gonna guess what trip
Y: i ain't tripping because when you're in a life or death situation and that adrenaline is rushing you don't give a fuck what hurts all you know is run and get to safety that ankle can get fixed later
Larray: ok what if you have to jump out of a window on a twisted ankle
Y: then i'm jumping out that bitch and dealing with the pain later like i said i rather deal with that pain for a moment than deal with whatever pain that crazy mother fucker chasing me wants to put me in because a nigga ain't chasing you to try and give you flowers he's trying to kill you and you can obviously see he wants it bad
Larray: fair point
Y: exactly next caller
Cherry: your mom is so white you literally were drunk driving and she takes your keys for a week
Y: bitch your mom white too
Larray: damn you mixed babies i'm black
Y: you're the most light skin mother fucker we've ever met honey you do not count


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