042. the quidditch world cup

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 xlii||the quidditch world cup

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xlii||the quidditch world cup

"Up! Pip pip!" Another early wake up call from James Potter echoes through the halls of the Potter Manor as he uses that stupid microphone set again. Maria groans loudly and rolls over, completely forgetting she was half hanging off her bed already, falling onto the polished wooden floor of her bedroom with a loud thud. The dark haired girl grumbles when James abruptly opens her door, followed by a grumbling Peter Pettigrew who seems to have been woken up by being hit with something, by the red mark on his forehead. "Good morning guests and Potters! I would like to announce that today is a very big day!"

"Shut up!" She hears Sirius shout groggily from across the hall as she covers her ears with her pillow. James seems to leave for a second before she's being messily lifted up from the ground, still wrapped in her bedsheets as at least three people begin to carry her down the stairs. She doesn't even try and get out of their grasp, keeping her eyes closed peacefully as Remus, Sirius and Peter almost drop her onto the sofa as they place her down.

"Morning to you too, Mar." Remus rolls his warm brown eyes as he slumps on the sofa next to her feet, actually almost squashing them. "Excited?"

Maria makes a noise of agreement, her face still buried into her sheets as Peter sighs and slouches in the armchair, Sirius lifting Maria up before sitting where her head was and letting her rest on his lap again. James walks in looking very pleased with himself, checking the time.

"Ah, five o'clock." James makes a satisfied sound at the back of his throat. "Lovely morning."

"Yeah, lovely." Maria grumbles, speaking for the first time today. "Unless you've been woken up at forbidden hours of the morning!"

"Hey, we're going to America." James points at her, slouching into the sofa and stretching his arms across the back of it.

"So, when are we actually going?" Peter yawns, hugging his frayed, green jumper closer as he scoots closer to the warmth of the roaring fire.

"Well, we should set off for about nine, just to avoid those huge crowds." Remus says, leaning forwards with his elbows resting on his knees. "Hey, did you get an invite to the Weasleys 10 year wedding anniversary party?"

"Yeah." Maria hums, sitting up now, and grabbing the Daily Prophet that must have been dropped off by one of their owls. Unfolding it, she chews on her lip, every headline the same 'ANOTHER ATTACK OF MUGGLE FAMILY', she sighs, placing the newspaper down and not wanting to read through the dozens of names on the list. Remus purses his lips and gives her a look, asking is she okay and she gives him a small smile and reassuring nod.

"Better get ready." James states, slapping his hands on his knees as he rises from the sofa cheerfully and Maria sighs, taking Peter's outstretched hand and he heaves her from the sofa.

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