Gun Violence

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In light of the new Supreme Court case that was announced this morning, let's have the first chapter be named after gun violence.

May I ask this:

Why do people have to die at the point of a gun? 

I'm not saying that guns shouldn't be allowed but we should have background checks. Like if someone who is depressed should not be handed a gun. What do you think is going to happen? And you shouldn't hand a gun to someone who wants to kill someone.

What I'm trying to say is that many people have died from gun violence, some lives are changed forever. Imagine your son having to quit soccer because someone shot him in the leg while he was walking to school. He won't be able to run, so if he's in a bad situation he can't run.

This is just some quick thoughts I'll talk about School shooting later but I'm tired of having to search for guns while going to school.

Sorry it's not long. It ain't much......

Lol, ttyl guys! This is your creative flower signing out!!!!

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Lol, ttyl guys! This is your creative flower signing out!!!!

(That's new please tell me if it's cringy)

By my little house elves! (HP reference)


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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