Chapter 4

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"But this is the most powerful thing that can be done: surrender. And love is an act of surrender to another person. Total abandonment. I give myself to you. Take me. Do anything you like with me ... So, that's quite mad because you see, it's letting things get out of control. All sensible people keep things in control."


Draco avoids her as if she's a walking Unforgivable. Pavarti and Lavander exchange glances like she's an adulterous traitor (albeit for the wrong reasons). She worries that Harry and Ron might see it, might connect the dots as if a red 'A' plasters her forehead, but they notice nothing.

She's thankful for the many distractions filling her life.

Hermione takes her apparition test two weeks later. That same night, Harry drinks Felix Felicis and retrieves Slughorn's memory. Ron and Lavender break up, as do Ginny and Dean.

Horcruxes and Voldemort are all she thinks of in the days following.

What she doesn't think about is being spread open on a library's tabletop. Except for every single second they have class together ... and every time she passes the library. Or looks at a book. Sits at a table.

When does this end? A one-night stand, that's all it was. People have those all the time.

It's her who inevitably caves.

She slips a note into Draco's schoolbag, making eye contact before running off.

Later that night, she almost leaves the Astronomy Tower, certain he isn't coming, when she finally hears footsteps climbing the staircase.

"Hi," says Hermione when his figure approaches.

"What do you want?"

He's angry. Maybe at himself for even showing up.

"To talk."

"There's nothing to say."

"You've been missing class."

"I've been busy," he says through gritted teeth.

"In the room of requirement," she fills in the blank, and his expression falters. "I know that's where you've been – "

"You know nothing."

"Then tell me," she pleads.

"Why should I?"

"Because you can trust me ... I-I haven't told anyone what happened."

"That's what this is, isn't it?" he asks, almost as if it hurts. "Your sick, Muggle-methods of getting information ... 'Spill inside me, then spill your secrets.' Bet you're disappointed it didn't work."

It hurts, potentially worse than anything he's ever said. Because of it, she lashes out, feigning indifference.

"What? And you wanted more?"

"Hardly. You were an easy fuck, Granger. Good practice for you – cheap brothels will be about the only places a Mudblood can work soon –"


She's seething, seeing red.

'I fucking love it.'

"You liked it," she says, remembering his words. "You loved it –"

"Of course I liked it," he snarls. "I'm sixteen; your cunt was wet and willing – like the good whore that you are – "

"I know what you're doing."

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