You meet vinnie

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Once you have greeted every one Micheal comes in with this tall handsome boy with curly blonde hair and you just can't help but stare
Kouvr: um y/n?
She bumps into on purpose ( you know one of those small bumps I hope you understand😆)
You: oh uh w-what's up
Mía: your uhh staring at vinnie like a creep
Kouvr: omg do you like him!!
You: what? No no I haven't even met him yet
Mía: well then let's introduce you to him
*vinnies pov*
You: I walked into the hype house with Micheal and saw this beautiful ( your hair color) haired girl with the most perfect body and she must of thought I was a creep because I kept staring at her
Micheal: vinnie what are you looking at?
You: oh uhh nothing no one
Micheal: are you looking at y/n?
You: y/n? So that's her name dude she's so pretty
Micheal: yea I guess she is but she's alex's sister so we have no chance...
As soon as you were gonna say something Alex walks up to you guys and says he's ordering food
Alex: I'm ordering pizza Vinnie do you think you could pick it up?
You: yea no problem
Alex: Thanks man oh and that girl over there is my sister so Stop drooling over her
He says while laughing you blush a little
Micheal: awww Vinnie has a crush how cute😂
You: dude quit it
You say as your laughing and blushing
I saw Mia and kouvr walking y/n over to me and Micheal
Kouvr: hey vinnie this is y/n Alex's little sister
You: hey y/n how's it going
You hug her and think god she smells so good she's so cute damn
Y/n's pov
The girls walked me over to Vinnie and Micheal and i was so nervous
Vinnie: hey how's it going!
You: I'm doing good how are you
You hug him and he smells so good
Vinnie: I'm good
You then go and hug Micheal
Micheal: you smell great y/n
He says in a flirty way
You: thank you , you to☺️
Vinnie looked at Micheal kind of angry luckily kouvr changed the subject
Kouvr: y/n why don't we show you your room!
You: oh yeah thank you let me go get my bags I left them at the door
Vinnie: oh y/n here let me help you
You: thank you vinnie
You say as you blush
Vinnie: yea of course
You, Vinnie and kouvr head up to your room
You: thank you kouvr!!
You hug her
Kouvr: ofc babe feel free to unpack Alex is gonna order food I'll let you know when it's here make yourself at home!!
You smile
You: thank you so much vinnie
Vinnie: no problem don't worry about it!!
He places your bags on your bed
You guys have a quick hug
Vinnie: well I'll give you your privacy I'm glad your visiting😊
You: I'm glad I'm here😊 well thank you again
Vinnie: no problem let me know if you need anything else see you downstairs
You: bye!
You start unpacking your clothes and putting them away and you start thinking about how sweet and cute vinnie is.

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