9. I don't like you

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Anastasia has been in the HQ for a couple of weeks already. She's starting to trust the Avengers but always with precautions. Training is going good, Pietro doesn't complains as much and Wanda is incredible good. Today is Sunday so it's their free day. Ana walks into the kitchen to see Addi and Tommy having breakfast and flirting. She knew they had a date the night before but she didn't know that Addi was gonna spend the night there.

"Um. Hello?" Ana said to the couple. They looked to her with a big smiled and greeted her. She prepared herself a coffee ignoring the couple. Wanda came and looked at Ana and then back to the couple. Ana wave her hand telling her to come close to her. "They had a date" Ana whispers to Wanda who lets out a little gasp covering her mouth. "Finally!" She whispers back.

In the couple of weeks here Ana and Wanda had become closer. They talk a lot about plenty of things, one of them being Addi and Tommy.

Pietro and Sam walk into the kitchen to see the two girls whispering and laughing and the couple going to the living room. "He finally made a move, huh?" Sam asked Ana. "I mean, they have been flirting since my birthday," Ana said to him, taking a sip from her coffee "but I guess it's official now" she continued with a smirk.

"They look so cute together" Wanda said admiring the couple. "No boyfriend" Pietro said with his finger pointing at Wanda who rolled her eyes, stupid brother, she thought.

"What about a girlfriend?" Ana asked him and then winked at Wanda. This caused the Maximoff girl a laugh and the other Maximoff just stood there looking at her with a 'I'm gonna kill you' face.

"Ok. Time to go" Sam said walking away. "Yeah, I have to go too. See you later Wanda" Ana said again winking at Wanda and walking away. She left a soft laugh before looking at her brother who was clearly mad.

"Relax Pietro, it's just a joke. We are just friends" Wanda reassured to her brother. "You like her?" Pietro said mad. Wanda was confused at her brother acts before entering his mind. She gasped when she realised why he was mad "You like her, don't you!" She said with a playfully smile.

"What!? No!" He said. He did in fact like her, but they had a love-hate friendship and just that. "Brother, you can try to lie to yourself but not me" Wanda said before walking away.

I don't like her, he thought. That's stupid, we are friends. Stupid sister.

Ana went to her room to grab her sketch book. She sat on her bed drawing the dream she had that night. She was at the beach with her family and she had fun. She couldn't help but smile after finishing it, it was so beautiful. She then went for a walk. She was bored. Sundays she would draw, watch TV, read, walk around the compound, but today she didn't feel like it.

"Hey!" Vision said. Vision was nice with everyone, but he and Ana talked a lot since they had some interests in common.

"Hi V. Came outside to get tan?" She said with a smirk. She would always make that kind of jokes to him, but he never got mad, he did in fact found them funny. He laugh at his friend comment and said "No, I was looking for you". She looked at him confused. Sure they were friends, but it felt weird.

"What do you need?" She asked him, intrigued to know what that was about. "I've been meaning to ask you. I know you're friends with Wanda-" she nodded while interrupting him "Yeah. And you like her" she stated as a matter-of-factly.

"Well, I don't understand that yet. But I do found myself attracted to her" she nods "Could you tell me some things she likes?". She paused for a second thinking for an answer.

"Why don't you ask her yourself? Like on a date on something?" She said confusing him "I believe she would appreciate more the effort of trying to know her if you just asked her".

"I believe what you say is right. Thanks Anastasia" he says with a smile. He puts one of his hands on her shoulder "You are a good friend" he says before leaving.

She stood there confused. Little tip and you are a good friend? Yeah, I think I could work with that.

She went back to her room to grab her sketch book and went to the kitchen where Steve and Nat were preparing lunch.

"Hi, honey" Nat said. "Hi lovebirds" Ana said. She shocked Nat and Steve. They looked at each other confused but decide not to say anything as more people entered the kitchen and it was better if they didn't talk about that.

"What are you drawing?" Pietro says sitting in front of her looking at her sketch book. She never meets his eyes as she is focused on drawing but answers anyway "I was talking to Vision today and decided to draw him" this confused the silver haired boy. "Why?" He asked. "I like to draw people I consider my friends" she states while drawing.

Nat hears that and smiles. She has new friends, she thought. Steve also smiled at this, remembering that she draw him a few days ago.

"Did you draw me?" Pietro said smiling. "No" she said causing his smile to fade. "Why!?" He said clearly hurt. "I don't like you" she said still not meeting his eyes. "Huh" that's all he could say. Of course she doesn't like you, you don't either, stop thinking about her, he thought.

Vision and Wanda walked together into the kitchen and saw Ana drawing. "It's beautiful, thank you" Vision told her. Ana smiled watching the two beside each other "It's nothing" she said coming back to drawing.

Tommy walked in. Addi wasn't with him anymore as she had to go home. "Hey, your sketch book. Long time no see buddy" he said looking at her sketch book. Sometimes she would show her family, which obviously included him, some of her drawings so they would understood her nightmares and her point of view. But there were some she didn't show to anybody, they were about the person who she spend more time with while on HYDRA. It was a rough thing to talk about for both Ana and Tommy. She never showed him those cause they missed him and didn't want him to feel sad.

"What did you dreamt last night?" Tommy asked her sitting at her right. "The beach" she said still drawing. "Care to show me?" He asked with a smile. He loves her drawings and if they are dreams and not nightmares it was a better reason to see it since they weren't much. "Sure, just one sec. I'm finishing this one".

And when she did, she showed him and he told her how good it was. He also commented that it's been a long time since she showed him some of her drawings. "Yeah, me too" Nat said from the counter. She didn't want to say 'I can't show you' so she just took her drawings back "I'm gonna put this in my room". She walked away, feeling tears forming on her eyes. She doesn't cry much but when she does she can't stop.

Once in her room she opens the sketch book to see one of her last drawings. He had long hair, and he was sitting on the floor in front of her, with his back on the wall. He looked down, ashamed of what he had to do to survive. It was one of those nights that he remembered. She closed the book and walked to the kitchen. The moment she walked in everyone stoped talking.

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