Meet Kazuto

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Clang! A warning bell echoes through the palace. A nursemaid scoops up a three month old prince and runs for the safe room, guards surrounding her protectively.
"Ahhhhhhhh!" She screams as she falls to the ground, an arrow through her leg and heart,tossing the prince to a young guard named James. James catches him by the legs and shoulders, not realizing he gripped the legs too hard at first. As they enter the safe room, Chrysami, the baby's mother, sees her sons legs are flopping uselessly.
"What have you done to Kazuto?" She screeches.
James blinks, then sees the prince's legs, and falls to his knees.
"I am a failure and don't deserve to grace this world with my presence. Please do the world a favor and remove me from it."
The queen is taken back. She thinks hard and tells him "You will have to ask the prince for his verdict when he is old enough to realize what happened. You are now ordered to protect Kazuto Kirigaya until your death. Do you swear to do so, until he passes his own verdict."
James, still on his knees, bends so that his forehead touches the floor.
"I, James Rogoryim, agree to these terms." Then he rises, pulls out some parchment and a quill, and writes a blood oath.
'I hear bye swear to protect Kazuto Kirigaya and to serve him in everything I do.'
The child, just looks around with eyes that almost seem to understand what has happened, and he smiles down on the guard who will someday become his closest confident, and friend.

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