Alexa: "I know you told us the overall plan for you to unify both the titles but did they say if you were winning AJ's tomorrow?"

Logan: "Not yet. They are still deciding if they want me to do it now or wait till Summerslam and make it huge. But i won't be unifying them until Mania apparently. Have they told you if you are getting the tag titles yet?"

Alexa goes to speak but Liv stops her

Liv: "Ah ah ah pretty boy we aren't giving away our secrets just yet. You are just going to have to see from ringside tomorrow night"

Alexa and Liv both look at each other after this and share a laugh and without thinking they lean in and kiss each other gently on the lips. They have been getting a lot more comfortable with each other, openly flirting and sharing seductive looks at Logan's house but this is the first time they had actually kissed. Logan's eyes go wide as he sees this

Logan: "Did you........ was that....... did i really just see that?"

Alexa: "Yeah you did. We figured if we are getting comfortable with each other we might as well start showing affection"

Liv: "Aww i think he is jealous" she say looking over at Alexa and they giggle again as they both motion him to come here and he leans over and shares a kiss with both of them

The food comes and Logan is still in complete shock at what has transpired between the 3 of them tonight but he is happy to see his girls happy and getting along because when they are happy he is happy. They eat what they can and take the rest to go as they go back to their hotel room so they can get some much needed rest and relaxation before the PPV tomorrow. They got a suite with a king size bed so Logan lays in the middle with either girl on the side of him as they drift off to sleep

*The next morning*

Logan woke up before the alarm went off and had a sea of blonde hair over his face. He moved it all out of his face and slowly slide out of bed so he wouldn't wake up his girls and decided to get his morning going. He took a shower and put on some sweats and a black tank top as he goes to the kitchen area of the hotel room and started to make some coffee

The girls are still asleep in the bed, that is until the aroma of coffee starts to fill the hotel room and they both perk up at the same time

Liv and Alexa at the same time: "Coffee!"

He hears them from the kitchen as he laughs and sees the both of them entering the kitchen

Logan: "Good morning ladies" he says handing them each a cup and they sip it "So do we have to do anything today before the show?"

Alexa: "I have an interview before the show"

Liv: "I have a backstage interview before the show"

Logan: "And here i wanted to spend some time with my wonderful ladies before the show"

Alexa: "Don't worry you will get us after the show"

Liv: "Yeah and if your a good boy you might get a surprise after the show" the both walk up and kiss either side of his cheek as they go into the bedroom of the suite to get changed and ready for the day.

Logan smirks knowing that they have something up their sleeve. He puts on a hoodie and grabs his gear bag and waits for them to get ready.

Logan drops Alexa off at the radio station where she is doing the interview and takes Liv to the arena where the show is, blasting some music as they make their way through the Chicago traffic

*Discontinued* Unusual Partners (Alexa Bliss x Liv Morgan x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя