Jiang Rong handed the phone over: "I was eating yesterday and happened to meet them, and I accidentally took a selfie."

In the photo, as she said, Meng Ting and Jiang Ren appeared in the background of Jiang Rong's photo.

Although the picture quality is not very good, the girl who is smiling and holding up the spoon is beautiful and cute. It is Meng Ting. The boy opposite her couldn't see clearly, but the clothes were dirty, and the black clothes had cement grout, which basically understood them at first glance.

Qin Yang frowned and glanced, this back...a bit familiar, **** it.

However, he can't think of any familiarity. The man in his mother's photo doesn't look like a very powerful person. Qin Yang threw the phone back to Jiang Rong, and heard to Meng: "You like him and don't want to accept me?"

Jiang Rong did not forget to add fuel to the fire: "Your boyfriend also has a problem with his legs, tut, it's a flower, the aesthetic is unique. Sorry, I didn't see you and your boyfriend in the photo before, and accidentally passed the photo. Forum."

Song Huanhuan was so angry that he became a pufferfish.

She turned her head to look at Meng Ting, and then froze. Song Huanhuan was angry when he saw Meng Ting for the first time!

Meng Ting took a few steps and stepped forward: "Give me the phone."

Jiang Rong also stunned for a moment: "Who are you, why do you give it to you?"

"Why? It's bad moral character by taking pictures of you repeatedly. Why do I like him like my boyfriend? Is it normal for your scum to be liked? Are you worthy of mentioning him, worthy of insulting him? You talk to me All too dirty."

Meng Ting gritted his teeth and his eyes were reddish.

She didn't like the look in the eyes of people like Jiang Rong.

The kind of sarcasm and mocking eyes. Meng was trembling with anger, and she also hated Jiang Rong's behavior at the moment. Jiang Rong photographed Jiang Ren's most embarrassing moment. Her boy, who really cares about this, can only make him feel at ease in the dark. She is distressed now.

People come and go after school.

Downstairs teaching, Meng heard: "I'll give you one last chance to delete all the photos."

"Why do I delete my selfie? Get out!"

Meng Ting threw the jurisprudence textbook in his hand and hit Jiang Rong on the shoulder.

Jiang Rong also broke out, and rushed over to call Meng to listen.

Meng listened to childhood, this is the first time to fight, or downstairs in the university teaching. This spot was originally the lunch spot, but now it's all coming to join in the fun.

Meng had never heard of a fight. Her long black hair was messy, and she wanted to beat Jiang Rong.

Song Huanhuan also saw Jiang Rong not pleasing to his eyes for a long time, and she was also clever, afraid that Meng would suffer a loss, pretending to persuade Jiang Rong to take the opportunity.

Jiang Rong almost died of anger!

When Jiang Rong's roommate reacted and pulled the person away, Jiang Rong's ponytail was scattered in embarrassment. She is sore in her shoulder!

Meng Ting touched her cheek and Jiang Rong scratched her cheek with her nails, which shows that Jiang Rong hates her face most.

The usually gentle and cute faculty fights, almost all the law students find it incredible.

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