The Start of it All

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In most cities around the world, people rarely look up, even if half of the area belonged to the sky. But in the city of Megaville, one could find most of the residents staring towards their endless stretch of air—especially at the maelstrom of red, blue, and green streaks weaving an impressive tapestry of impressive tapestry of colors among the puffy white clouds.

Up close though, it was probably less stellar than what could be seen from the ground, as Megaville's six metahumans struggled to defeat the supernatural visitor plaguing their people.

"Come on, old man!" huffed Butch, and glared balefully at the humanoid creature that hovered a few inches below his feet. In a span of mere seconds, his forest-green irises had spread across to cover his eyes, which came out in a charge of lasers. "Just die already!"

"Butch, we already went through this!" Buttercup snapped at their male counterpart, adding a set of thunderclaps to the beams. "We're not supposed to kill him!"

"How else are we going to end this?!"

"Beat him, obviously!"

"Real obvious," Butch muttered sarcastically. Besides, even he knew it was easier said than done. But the longer they fought, the more they grew convinced that capture wasn't even possible; with each hit, he only seemed to grow stronger.

"I don't think there's even a way we can do this without killing him," commented Boomer, his cobalt eyes drifting pointedly to the two gingers.

"For once, I think you're right," Blossom panted. "Everyone, get back!"

"What for?"

"I said, get back!"

Blossom's gaze locked on each of her sisters, and the two instantly realized her intentions.

"Come on!" Reaching to her left, Bubbles grabbed hold of Boomer's sleeve. "Let's go!"

"Why?" he queried, letting her pull him along.

"Hurry up, you two!" In one swift movement, Buttercup was between Butch and Brick, grabbing first one brother by his uniform collar, the other by his ponytail. "You don't want to be this close when it goes off!" When she yanked, Butch clawed at his neck, and Brick cried out in pain.

"What goes off?!" rasped Butch.

"You're turning blue," Boomer pointed out.

"Thanks for noticing..!"

But either Buttercup didn't notice, or she just didn't care.

Removing her bow from her head, Blossom flew high into the atmosphere, and with all the strength she was able to muster, she threw it down. "Let's see you handle this!"

For a moment, the humanoid seemed confused as it looked around, staring at the retreating metahumans. What are they..? It paused, searching for an answer to their quick surrender.

It came soon enough.

Above! When the humanoid raised its pinpoint eyes to the sky, its sharp gaze caught sight of Blossom's falling bow. Using an ornament on me..? But why... Then its thoughts came to a sudden halt. There was only one reason why metahumans would rely on the effectiveness of a hair accessory.

And that was if they thought it'd work.

"No!" it shrieked, and held up its hands, just as the bow hit its outstretched palms.

The explosion shook nearly all of Megaville, and the resulting flash almost blinded its citizens. But blast or not, no one could deny they heard the screams of the six metahumans. When all light cleared, all witnesses to the battle could see the Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys were falling from the skies.


Headfirst, Brick splashed into one end of a large pool, sinking deep into its depths, and Blossom followed seconds after, landing opposite her Rowdyruff partner. Swimming back to the surface, Blossom spouted a thin stream of water and shook the moisture from her face. "What the... What just happened?"

For a moment, Blossom only observed her surroundings, maintaining the octopus float to keep herself towards the surface. Then she noticed it—Brick wasn't around.

Although he hated her with a bitter vengeance, and she wasn't very appreciative of his points to make that clear, she felt herself seized with anxiety for his safety. "Brick?! Brick, where are you?!" She whipped her head back and forth, but she couldn't see him. "Brick!"

As if on cue, he finally surfaced, coughing severely and flailing like a madman. As if that wasn't odd enough, his cranium was naked of anything but his hair, and his hat was gripped hard in his fingers.

"Brick, what's wrong with you?!" Blossom demanded, swimming towards him. "What're you doing?!"

"I can't... I can't swim..!"

Blossom stared at him in disbelief. "Oh, come on! Really?"

"Don't stare at me! I... I can't..!" Then he submerged.

"Brick!" Quickly, Blossom dipped under and wrapped him with one of her arms, the other pushing against the water to resurface them both. As soon as they'd both gotten a good lungful of air, Blossom began doing a one-armed stroke to the edge of the pool, and they dragged themselves back onto dry land.

In this case, long hair was their disadvantage, leaving them to squeeze the water out handful by handful.

"Uh... Brick..?" Blossom sounded nervous.

"What?" he demanded, twisting his cap dry.

"Don't turn around."


"Just don't."

If Brick was any other person, he would've listened to her warning and left her be. But Brick being Brick, he refused to abide by a Powerpuff's order and nevertheless turned around. "I asked you why." His answer showed itself soon enough.

That was because her blouse had now grown transparent, revealing the bra underneath.

Almost instantly afterwards, Brick spun around and pressed his hat against his beet-red cheeks. "A-Are you stupid?! Why did you take off your vest?!"

"It was wet!"

"And so are the rest of your clothes!"

"You want me to take them off too?!"

Brick's grip on his hat grew tighter, his fingers digging through the fabric and into his face. "Are you stupid?! No!"

"Then don't blame me if I don't like how the vest is clinging to me!"

Sighing, Brick dragged the cap off and groped the ground for the pink piece of cloth, pulling it up and squeezing it out with fervent hands, before throwing it at Blossom's face. "There. Now, put it on."

After doing what he said, Blossom mused, "Now, where's everybody else?"


So here it is. If you guys like it, then hooray, I can keep putting this stuff up! But if you don't, okay then. I just want to hear your feedback on it. (っ^▿^)

I might as well put it here also, since I'm doing this.

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- BlackAndWhitePersona

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