Chapter 2

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"What time is your last class?" Jongin says, occupying the space across Lisa in the cafeteria.

"Four-thirty. Yours?" She replies after swallowing the chunk she had bitten earlier from the sandwich before Jongin arrived.

"Same. Let's go to the club room after?"

Lisa nods. "Plan to do just that."

"Cool. See you at? Water fountain outside your building?

"Isn't that too far from your building though?"

He shakes his head, swallows his food first before he replies. "The classroom of my last class is being moved to your building for today due to conflict room assignments, I think."

"Ah. Okay. Sure."

It's been two weeks since the audition and it's an understatement to say that Jongin and Lisa both gained respective popularity around the campus because they got instant fame.

People somehow recognize them anywhere they go around the campus, it also didn't help that they almost, always go around together. Lisa doesn't want it any other way though, she's still socially awkward, saved from her blockmates and Jisoo of course. She rarely had any conversation with any of Jisoo's friends aside from Seulgi — because they're clubmates — plus she had been so guarded ever since that day when she walked out of her room and had several men and women calling for her name and shrieked when she turns to look who it was from.

Lisa had only read situations like this in books and to be able to experience that first hand had an unsettling feeling inside her. She doesn't want popularity, she avoids that at all cost which is why her parents never dared to show her face to media throughout the years.

Lisa's already on her way to her last class of the day when Jisoo calls her up, the woman ran from the entrance of the building to where she is standing.

"Hey." Lisa says and chuckles after seeing the panting woman. "Breathe. Breathe. Why did you even run?"

"I.. I.. I thought I'm going to be late." Jisoo replies in between the ragging breaths.

"We're 10 minutes early. Breathe."

While Jisoo was trying to regain her breathing, both of them started walking towards their room assignment. "You okay now?" Lisa asks, handing a cold bottle of water that she got from the vending machine.

"Thanks." Jisoo drank almost all of it in one go. "I ran like 3 different buildings because my last professor didn't dismiss us on time!"

Lisa takes the seat few flights up from the teacher's desk. She always prefers sitting further. Jisoo takes a sit right next to her. "That's a bummer. Remind him of the time next time."

"Oh we did but that bald jerk just said "I am in charge of my time. Deal with it." Like as if he was interesting in class. I'd rather watch Barney or something than listen to him."

Lisa had to laugh at that. "You have no choice though."

Jisoo groans. "Unfortunately."

And their class started just right on time. Everything went smoothly until their professor told them to study the chapters they have discussed, they will have a quiz during the first 30 minutes next l session.

"Seriously, already a quiz in just two weeks?" Jisoo grumbles as she and Lisa walks out of the room towards the exit.

"He discussed a lot of chapters lately so I am not surprised at all."

Jisoo quirks an eyebrow. "And how are you so calm about this? Do you even remember what he'd discussed so far?"

Lisa grins. "Like a blur."

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