Chapter 1: The Evil Family That Is Cooler Than Yours

Start from the beginning

"Tell Ar we'll be back in a few hours!" Can yells after the two kids going up the stairs. Kape gives a thumbs up as the two turn the corner at the top of the stairs. Can turns to Veela, Aoxy, and Theo, "Ready?"

They all nod, and Can makes her way to the exit of the warehouse, followed by the rest. Can steps out of the warehouse, and into the big city of Murleighworth. She breaths in the city air, smiling before she turns on her heels and goes in the direction of the bank.

Robbing a bank? Cliché, yes, but once again, it's all a part of the plan. She wants to first gain power over the way the police spend their time before she takes over their city. Afterall, in some cases, power over the mind is so much more important. Plus, a little pocket change might help for an upgrade in weaponry.

Theo walks besides Can, and takes her hand. Can holds his hand and makes light conversation, to make it seem like they aren't going to go, y'know, rob a bank. They are conspicuous enough with Can's metal arm, Aoxy's long, black and orange claw, and Veela's pale teal skin, pointed ears, and beady black eyes.

That was another thing unusual about Can. She was not like anyone else, and her family wasn't like anyone else's. They covered it up nicely though.

Can's arm was mostly hidden with a long sleeved black jacket, and a leather glove. Her other hand had a fingerless leather glove, though, because she felt it made her look cool, and more villainous. Aoxy's claw was much harder to hide, but she wore a sweatshirt with long, thick sleeves to cover it up, and she kept her claw closed to prevent the tip of it from poking out. Veela covers her skin in makeup while she was out, wears contacts to make her eyes look more natural, and covers their pointed ears with their short, dark purple hair.

A lot of Can's family isn't human. Those who are human, well, even then, the term is arguable. The human and the not human members had all been gifted with their 'powers' by a goddess who had no name. That's where Can had found Theo and her children. No more than 40 people out of the entire universe had been selected and led to her temple.

There, she gifted them each the powers they so desired. Can, who was nicknamed Trash Can even before, picked the power to manipulate, summon, and destroy the things that people tossed out.

Theo is able to open up pocket dimensions, and he even had a certain pocket dimension he used to store things.

Aoxy had access to every item that there would be in the game Minecraft. The claw was from being possessed, and the orange and black could take over her whole body when needed.

CH had telekinetic abilities, and Kape hadn't asked for anything in particular, as they were quite young at the time, and ended up with the ability to make spider lilies grow in the midst of a battle, or when their adrenaline is raised.

Veela was an alien that was led to the temple, from a far off planet, and she had asked for the ability to control an army of bees. The stingers of the bees were each laced with a poison that wasn't lethal alone, but if many bees stung one person, they were sure to die.

Ar, a clownfish, wanted to be able to be able to have a human mind and human body. The anonymous goddess gave them said human mind, and she placed their fishbowl on a human body. Ar was able to control the body, and they could even jump out of the fish bowl and into a separate tank.

"Where is it again?" Theo asks, looking around.

"Not too far," Can answers, scanning the area, "we can stop off at an alley near the bank. From there we can go over the plan again."

"Sounds good." Theo says, nodding.

The four walk down another block before they turn into an alley between an office building and an ice cream shop, the office right next to the bank. Everyone but Veela takes off their backpacks and grab their things. Theo takes out a few knives and a gun, Can grabs a gun and a few long shards of broken bullet proof glass, and Aoxy grabs a netherite sword, a netherite axe, and a crossbow.

"So the plan. First, Theo, you'll go into the vault with a pocket dimension. From there, Veela, you'll release your bees and start as much commotion as you can, got it?" Theo and Veela nod. Veela smiles, her bag and the big pockets of her long coat buzzing quietly. "Aoxy, Veela, we're going to make us known. This is our first thing. Gotta make it good." Can grins.

"After I get the money, I come get you guys, right?" Theo asks, to make sure.

"Correct, you'll come get us. And then," Can says, then smirks, walking over the building the alley was by. She places her hand on the wall, "then maybe we can pick up some ice cream." She lets her hand fall. "Are you guys ready?"

"Yes." Veela smiles, pulling on the strap of her backpack. Theo and Aoxy nod.

"Then in that case," Can closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, holding it for a second before letting it out and opening her eyes. "It's showtime."


So how we feelin'?

 - Can

Words: 1537

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