Pretty Princess

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You skip up to an apartment complex. You make your way to a door and knocked on it. It didn't open at first so you banged on the door more. The thought of him being out never crossed your mind as you kept banging on the door. You sighed.

"Eren." You said in a sing-song tone.

"Open the door, or I'm gonna break it down." You continued.

You were about to bang on the door again when it flew open. You look up to at towering man with long brown hair. The man had nothing but pure rage in his eyes. His long brown hair was pulled into a man bun with some of his hair falling out of it. You smiled.

"You said we could hang out today." You said

"I didn't mean at 8:00 in the morning." Eren said his voice deeper than normal.

"Whatever." You laughed.

You pushed him inside his own house. You sat him on the couch and laughed like a psycho. You held him down and pulled out something from behind your back. Eren's eyes widened. You just smiled.

There in your hands was a fluffy pink princess dress. It had butterflies littered on the top of it. He looked at you will pure terror. You grabbed his shoulders and shook him. You laughed psychotically.


A few seconds later a shorter blond haired man came out of another room only to see you pinning Eren down and shaking him. He just looked back and forth. Eren signaled for help. The blonde didn't know what to do so he just ran over. He picked you up and held you by your stomach as you clawed and scratched the air.

"ARMIN PUT ME DOWN." You hissed at him.

You bite Armin. He quickly let you down and you ran to Eren. Eren grabbed you by the waist before you could pin him again. He held you up. You just kicked the air like a toddler.

Just then there was a knock on the door and Armin went to answer it. He opened the door to see two people. Annie and Sasha. Annie just hugged Armin and Sasha went to go raid their fridge. Annie let go of Armin at the sound of two things falling over.

"Did Eren die or something?" Annie scoffed.

"Well maybe." Armin rubbed the back of his neck.

Sasha got out of the fridge to go check with Annie on what was happening with Eren. Annie and Sasha just stood in shock over what she was seeing. Y/N was pinning Eren with the dress next to her. Eren just keep a hold of you and kept pushing you away. You pulled up the dress.

"Yo Eren, you good?" Annie asked.

"Did you forget to lock the door this morning?" Sasha added.

Eren started explaining. The girls got a evil look on there faces. Armin didn't try to stop it. It only took a few seconds for all of the you tape Eren to a chair. You all high-fived.

"Why thank you girls." You smiled.

"At first I thought Eren did something wrong." Sasha laughed.

"I mean I'm mad at him, he picked me up like a feather and just held me there." You whined.

"I mean I like it when Armin just holds me." Annie tilted her head a bit.

"Not like that! It was so I didn't pin him again." You slapped your forehead.

"Oh." She said.

"Anyways." You looked to Eren.

Eren shook his head and you just nodded. You grabbed something out of a bag you brought. You plugged it into the wall. You held up the curler. He kept shaking his head.

Pretty Princess One-shot(Modern!bReader x Season 4! Eren)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن