chapter 18

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****5 years later*****
"Ali!!!!!" I screamed running
running after Ali with a pair of pants in my hands. I swear this kids been on my nerves lately. "Ali!!! you have to go to babas house!" I blurted out. shit. good job Ashi.
"we're going to babas house?" he asked with a tear in his eye. "yes meri jaan. aj baba aapko lene aarahe hein."
"after all these years..why is he coming back." he had tears in his eyes. I knelt down and patted Ali's head." honestly jaan. I don't know..we were fine without him..I don't know why he's coming back." he hugged me and started sobbing on my shoulder. "but mama..he left you na? than why is he coming back. he'll ruin everything." I carried him to my room and sat down with him. "shh don't say that. maybe he's coming back only to make thinks better..give him once chance? for mamma?" I patted his nose and wiped his tears away. he nodded. "only for my mamma."
"good go downstairs and wait with Alia. I'll be down there..and then all three of us can watch a movie. ok?"
he smiled and left the room.
I let out a huge sigh. I know what you're wondering. what the hell happened. well let be fill you in.

*flashback* Pakistan trip*
"Hussain what do you mean!!!!" I screamed my lungs out. it was the 3rd week in Pakistan and it was already ruined. oh not by aseel. by my own husband!
"I'm sorry Ashi!! I shouldn't have...I'm sorry!"
"are you apologizing after cheating on me?!! because if you are than you must think I'm crazy if you think I'll forgive you!"
"no I'm not thinking you'll forgive me..just hear me out."
"Hussain I just caught you red handed cheating on me! there's nothing to explain!"
"yes there is!! I never loved you!"
I stood there frozen. did he just say he didn't love me?
"what?" I whispered with tears rolling down my cheeks.
"yes Ashi. I never loved you. I was forced to marry you because of a bet I had with my brothers."
"you ruined my life. because of a stupid bet with your brothers?."
"listen Ashi please-" he walked closer before I cut him off. "get out." I whispered trying to control my anger. "please ash-"
"I said get out." I gritted my teeth and said it a bit more harsh. why won't he listen? he's an ass hole. "Ashi. I'm sorry. I-"
"I said get out hussain!!!!" I screamed to the top of my lungs. hopefully I won't have to slap him. "I'm sorry." he whispered and walked out of the room. hopefully he had walked out of my life.
*flashback end*

Yupp that's what happened. seemed like a perfect life huh? he ended up sending me divorce papers which don't doubt me, I signed happily..I was just worried about the kids. i wasn't worried actually. I grew them up so that they'd hate him. I know it wasn't right but I had to..he said he didn't want anything to do with the I turned the kids against them. little did I know that hussain would show up after 5 years asking to see them. who's is why my son had a break down.
I joined my kids downstairs. they were watching toy story 3.
"Alia?" I walked in the living room. I had to tell her.
"g mamma?"
"can you come here for a sec." she ran to me and sat on my lap.
"listen baby. aj baba aapko lene aarahe hein." she had tears in her eyes. "but mamma..I don't want to go wif him." she pouted.
"listen alia.." I pulled on her chin. "please be a good girl for mamma?" I kissed her nose. "ok mamma..only fo you. I love you." she kissed my nose. "that's my girl."
just then the door bell rang. "is it time?" Ali turned to me with fear. "stay here I'll answer the door."
I walked to my front door and took a deep breath.
I opened the door to see the expected. Hussain.
"hey." he greeted my awkwardly. "hi." I greeted back. "come in." I moved aside to let him in.
"you still live here?" he looked around. "yeah I do.."
"you still have all my should've-" I cut him off. "listen you're the one who fake loved me..I never fake loved you. I'm over it now though."
he sighed and walked into the living room. "Alia? Ali?"
"yeah wha-?" they both turned their heads and froze. "mamma I can't do this." Alia ran to my legs and hugged me. "mamma I'm sorry. I cant." she started crying. I knelt down and calmed her down. "shhh Alia..Alias a big girl na? aur big girls rote nahi hein. right." she nodded in my neck. "now shh and go sit with Ali and watch the movie with baba..I'm in the kitchen making dinner. okay?"
"mamma please don't leave me wif him."
"Alia. please for mamma? be nice. he's your baba."
"no he's not mamma. he left you alone! I know you were scared! don't lie mamma." she ran off upstairs. "Alia! Alia! Ali- I give up. she'll come down when she's hungry. I'm sorry Hussain."
"no it's ok. she's right. I'll talk to her?"
*hussain pov*
I can't believe my daughter was saying that. she's 4 for goodness sake. I know I said I don't want anything to do with the kids but that doesn't mean I don't love them. does it? maybe I worded my sentence wrong.
"I'll go talk to her?" I asked Ashi. "ok."
I walked up to her bedroom and sat next to her. "hey jaan."
she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me. she's totally like Ashi. stubborn and what not. "only mamma calls me jaan. and sometimes ali."
"than what should I call you?"
"why only Alia? I can't use a nickname? I used to call you jani."
"I know..only mamma can call me jaan and my family can call me by Nicknames."
"I'm not family?"
"no you left us. you hurt mamma. do you know how many times she's cried before she went to sleep? I do because I always went into her bedroom after bedtime."
"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to hurt your mamma."
"but you did."
"Alia Akhtar!! what has gotten into you?" I heard Ashi from the door. it was nice to know she changed their names too. "don't you ever talk to anyone like that. I've taught you better." she said in a harsh tone. I looked over and Alia and she was near crying. "mamma you never yell at me." and she ran downstairs. Ashi knelt down and sighed. "why'd you come back?" she got up and sat down next to me. "I thought we were officially why? you said you don't want anything to do with them.."
"I wanted to be a male figure for my kids."
"why? they have their uncles they have their grandpa. they have plenty of male figures."
"but a father is different.".
"listen hussain. we've both moved on. we need to worry about our own lives now."
"you've moved on?"
"yes." She wasn't lying. She had moved on. "his name is fahad..I've known him all my life." I was broken. why? I don't know. why was I hurt by this? I had admitted I never loved her. when what's wrong? maybe I had gotten real feelings for her while going on with the bet thing.
"listen Ashi. I'm sorry. I know I'm being stupid but I want us to start over."
she laughed. "and get my heard broken again. no. my heart hasn't healed from the wounds you gave it. I'm certainly not giving my heart to you again to have it wounded again. I don't have the strength anymore." I saw her tears.
"I will prove to you that I won't hurt you anymore. it's a challenge for me."
"don't waste your time hussain."
I will get her back. i am determined to get her back. but first I have to win my children's trust and love. boy was this going to be a long roller coaster.

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