"Then I'll find what I can, continue the investigation. When you figured who it was, report to me immediately, I can always sneak to call you," Robert remarked, "I'll call again later," he bid goodbye and cut off the call.

"Now, I need to call Yibo," he mumbled and scrolled for Yibo's number.

Yibo immediately answered but then Yibo is whispering from the other line, "What's up, why are you whispering?" He asked him.

"I need to suppress my voice since we haven't figure out who is the impostor inside the house that's imposing a threat to the boss," Yibo answered.

"Huh? Well then, where is your boss?" Haikuan asked.

"He's at his office but he's with his secretary and one guard," he whispered.

"Oh, can I ask something if you know your boss's relative?" he asked.

"Some of them, he told me his parents, uncle, and cousin," he replied.

"Right, what's their name?" Haikuan.

"His father is, Xiao ZhiXiang. His mother is, Xiao ChengLi. His uncle is Xiao Yanhao and his cousin is Yang Zixin. That's all I know," he said confusedly.

When Yibo uttered Xiao Yanhao's name, Haikuan's eyes went wide. 'That's the culprit!' he said to himself. But something amusing about the name made him surprised even more.

"Thank you!" he said to Yibo and cut the call without hearing Yibo's question.

Yibo's brows furrowed why did he just suddenly cut the call but he shrugged, "probably used for the investigation of the case," he said to himself and went out from his hiding place to continue his cleaning.

On the other hand, Haikuan immediately mailed Robert to call him. Robert then called him, "Chief!" he exclaimed upon accepting the call, "Xiao Yanhao--" he whispered to avoid for someone to hear him.

"Huh?" Robert asked confused.

"The culprit!" Haikuan exclaimed.

Robert's eyes went wide, "Ah, that explains why," he nodded. "Now we just have to catch him," he smirked, "The thing we have to do next is to look for the right timing and prepare for his arrest warrant," he added.

"Yes chief," Haikuan replied.

"Well then, call you again later," Robert uttered before cutting the call.


"Ah, I'm beat. I finally knew who the culprit is," Haikuan mumbled as he loosens his necktie as he opens the door of his house. It's been a month and Zhuocheng and Zanjin are still in his house, his love for them is developing as time pass. They became his happy pill whenever he feels tired and now he doesn't think he can let go of them anymore.

But something is changing, Zanjin and Zhuocheng are not welcoming him in the past few days. It's just two weeks ago that Zhuocheng was not feeling well and has been suffering frequently from headaches and dizziness, Zhuocheng was not even able to had sex with the two when Zanjin had his heat. The unusual thing is, Zanjin and Zhuocheng used to match their heats but seems like Zhuocheng hasn't experienced his heat this month and he only did was rest.

Now another problem is, Zanjin is experiencing the same symptoms as Zhuocheng did last two weeks.

Haikuan sighed as he enters, he was used to their cheery faces welcoming him.

As he enters, the house is silent. It's still in the middle of the day but it's awfully quiet. The first thing he did is go to the two's room. Upon opening the door, he found the two sleeping peacefully, hugging each other.

He went near them and smiled at the sight. He leaned down and kissed both their foreheads. But then something caught his attention. His eyes went wide, then the memories of last month and last two weeks flashed inside his head, "Did I use a condom?" he asked himself as he tries recalling everything that happened.

His body quivered in happiness, "Did they already notice?" he asked himself, looking down at the two. 'But it's their body, it's impossible that they didn't notice it themselves,' he thought.

'They should've told me if they noticed!' he said to himself. He cannot contain his smile anymore. A wide smile is plastered on his face at the thought, his heart is beating fast.

'Probably because I'm too busy that they were not able to tell me. I was too focused on the investigation that I didn't notice! Stupid Haikuan!' he scolded himself.

"Shit, I'm too happy, I should cook for them before they wake up. They probably need lots to eat," he mumbled happily. His tiredness vanished upon witnessing the good news. He immediately went to his room and drop his bag changed his clothes into his house clothes then went to the kitchen to surprise the two.


A/N: My ideas are scattered HAHAHHA bear with me.

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