She whispered, "I love you."

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After a long day of sulking and being depressed over petty things, Quim decided to give herself a little treat; some chocolate and a few hours on the internet. She made her way to their kitchen and took a few pieces of her most treasured dark chocolate. After that, she sauntered back to her room with a childish grin on her face. Her free hand reached for her blanket with a feline gracefulness. Quim immediately opened her laptop and made herself comfortable on her bed, a blanket wrapped around her and her legs pulled to her chest.

A soft tune started to play in her mind so she hummed to herself as she went online on her social networking sites. “Oh yeah. My e-mails,” she thought while scrolling down her news feed. She opened another tab and typed ‘yahoo’. Five unread messages, it said. The grin she had a while ago went back to her face as she saw a certain e-mail from someone. Hurriedly, she clicked it. Her eyes scanned through the text first, hoping to find answers to the questions in her mind for weeks. But, she wasn’t able to find the answers. She then slowly – for the sake of remembering that moment – read the letter. As she moved from word to word, her heart beat grew faster and her smile grew wider.  The letter said,

"Hello. Happy 2013 to you, Quim. I’m sorry for the late greeting. Four days late, not that bad, right? Anyway, I'm wishing you a better life this year, more happiness and more love. May you have an awesome year because you’re an awesome person and you deserve it. You know I got your back. Always. You've been one of my closest friends here, actually my best friend and more than that. Yes, you're the closest and best friend I could possibly have. I couldn’t and wouldn’t ask for more.

With the current ‘situation’ we are in, you're my responsibility. Of all the things you’ve done for me, I won’t mind at all. I won’t complain if I have to answer your calls in the middle of the night just because you got scared of a bad dream. Or if I have to do everything just to make you laugh when you’re having a shitty day. Though, I doubt if you do get my humor since you know how serious I am. I must admit, I just can’t seem to be the talkative/cheerful person you try to make me into. -.- Don’t worry, I appreciate your efforts.  Actually, I prefer to stay quiet and let you talk. I like hearing you talk. I like listening to your stories, no matter how ‘stupid’ they sound to you. I love the way your voice would resonate in my mind even though it’s been hours since our talk ended and I’m already on my bed, ready to sleep. So don’t get tired of being talkative around me. It’s only your hyperness and talkativeness that I can tolerate. You’re special like that, Quim. Back to the point, I’m willing to do anything just to make you happy and feel special. In return, I just want to see your adorable smile. Though, your occasional cute pouts are not bad too so I guess teasing you is still an option. :)

 I'll do my best to make you happy and please remember you're always safe with me. I would never want to see your ‘intsik’ eyes, as I put it, shed tears. But if the day would come that crying is inevitable, then cry. With the distance that stretches between us, I won’t be able to wipe your tears away. Just remember it torments me not to be able to do that. You wouldn’t want me to be in that tormented situation, right? (I know you love me. :p)So you better stop crying and be the strong girl I know. The day will come when you will no longer have to wipe the tears on your own. When distance already fucked itself, my arms will always be open for you. I’ll be more than willing to give you a tight hug and assure you that everything will be okay.

For now, smile for me, okay? I love you so much, Quim. Stay with me forever.

P.S. I watched the video you made for me. That was sweet of you. It gave me another reason to fall for you a little bit more. I’m still in the process of recovering though, so please wait for me until I’m okay already. Once I’ve recovered, we can be dorks together. (I don’t know why I’m letting you call yourself a dork when you’re such a smart girl and a total sweetheart. I guess, I just like how ‘being dorks together’ sounds.)

P.P.S. I love you. Wait, I think I already said that. But yeah, I love you."

After the second thorough reading of the letter, Quim found herself crying. Tears of joy and sadness mixed together, was that even possible? Well, Quim made it possible. She was extremely happy that Tom – the guy who doesn’t like to talk about his feelings – said all those things and at the same time, she was extremely sad because her longing to talk to him and be with him heightened.  “Fuck distance,” she mumbled to herself as she wiped her tears away, remembering Tom’s words about her crying in the letter.

Their situation was both exciting and tiring, truth be told. Just imagine two people separated because of the unfortunate vast stretch of the ocean that lies between them. Exciting, for those precious little hours of talking to each other were enough to make them giddy. Tiring for the fact that they’re always getting their hopes up for the day to arrive that distance can no longer be a hindrance. But no matter how hard it gets, they promised to hold unto what they feel for each other.

 Her fingers moved urgently, her brain weaving words to make a reply with a beautiful melody for him, the guy who has captured her heart over and over again. With things said, rather, typed, Quim looked at the screen with a contented smile before clicking the send button. As the internet did its magic in sending her e-mail to him, in her soft and sweet voice, she whispered I love you.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 03, 2013 ⏰

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She whispered, "I love you."Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon