Chapter 2 - Adventures to the dorm

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   {Y/N} and Tadashi walked down the halls of the overly sized academy. Tadashi had this grin on his face, which made {Y/N} blush. What he would do to have him! It was almost unfair. Tadashi, however, broke {Y/N} from those deliciously nsfw thoughts.

  "So, not much of a talker, huh?"

"I-I talk.. sometimes.."

"Oh, really?" Came the amused reply of the baseball hat clad noirette.

{Y/N} nods, causing Tadashi to laugh.

   At that moment, {Y/N} thought he was gonna have a horrible fanboy squeal erupt from him. Tadashi plus laughing equals a very happy {Y/N}. They soon arrived at the dorm, Tadashi handing the key to {Y/N} to unlock it. {Y/N} looks at the key, then unlocks the door.

   It was normal enough. It was somewhat small, but nonetheless pretty good enough for {Y/N} to handle. It had a desk, and an open-view window that streched completely out, making it as large as the walls surrounding it. Overall, it was very pretty and plain. How {Y/N} liked it.

   "You like it?" Tadashi seems to read {Y/N}'s mind, "I kinda helped pick it out. Mine looks the same."

"Y-Yeah, I like it. It's"

"You don't sound so sure. Oh yeah, my little brother goes here as well! He recently got over this whole 'blah blah blah Nerd School blah blah blah' phase and he is in the dorm right across from you. Mine is on the floor right below this one, directly below I believe."

{Y/N} nods in acknowledgement.

"I uh, gotta go. I have a meeting with the new owner of this place.. Our old one was a little.. psycho."

{Y/N}, even though he was curious, didn't say anything.

"Bye." They said in sync, a blush creeping on both of their faces as they wave and Tadashi leaves.

{Y/N} sighs in a fanboy-ish way, slumping down against a wall, attempting to calm down.

He fell hard, and it was only the beginning.

To be continued...

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