The Scars in Our Faults... My version of an epilogue...

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*Hazel's POV*

It's been days, weeks, and probably even months, since the star-crossed love of my life, Augustus Waters, died. The pain hasn't gone away, and I don't expect it to anytime soon.

Gus once said to me that it would be a privilege to have his heart broken by me, but as it turned out, it went the other way around. It was actually a privilege. I wouldn't trade a second I had with him for anything. He prepared me for the inevitable, and I can say without a doubt that it was worth it.

There is another part of me that disagrees, however. Part of me says that Gus prepared me for death, but the other half says that Gus shattered my heart. He made the idea of dying easier, but at the same time Gus was the reason I didn't want to die. He gave me the desire to continue fighting, and now that he's gone, I want nothing more than to follow him wherever he went.

So that brings me here, lying at home in bed. I was admitted into the ICU two weeks after Gus died. The doctors' continue telling me it isn't good, and by not good, they mean it's time for me to go, because we all know...My lungs were done with being lungs. Thereafter, they decided to let me die peacefully in my bed with the people I love, (the ones that are still alive).

Death is inevitable and unavoidable, and it will always be a fixed point in time. Death will keep knocking on your door, no matter how many times you slam the door in its face.

I decided to start thinking about what will happen after I die. Eventually, Mom will become a Patrick, and Dad won't have anyone to cry over anymore. Isaac'll probably receive and accept his robot eyes, (even though there's no point in seeing a world without Gus, he's such a selfish person that he takes them), and get married to a beautiful woman and have beautiful blind babies.

Suddenly, I'm grasping for air my stupid shitty lungs can't take, but my body needs. Mom and Dad rush in and grab my hands. Dad starts to cry as always, and Mom repeats over and over how much she loves me and that it's okay to let go. I close my eyes, and try to steady my breathing. I squeeze both of their hands to let them know I'm still here, even though my chest is probably bouncing. We all know it won't be long. My breathing starts to calm and get better and better. I feel like my lungs are close to healthy. Probably because they haven't even been normal for these past few days or weeks or whatever it is.

Soft light envelops me and I'm suddenly standing on something solid. I look around expecting to see the cliché pearly gates or St. Peter waiting there for me. All I see is a quite a bit of nothing. A sudden hope wells up inside of my non-cancerous chest, if I'm lucky enough, maybe this is the Somewhere-with-a-Capial-S Augustus hoped for. Startling, from behind me I hear a voice that has greeted my dreams and filled me with indescribable happiness.

"Well, Hazel Grace, I was right about a few things. There are no mansions made of clouds or harps to listen to. Although I may have seen a unicorn. It could have been my imagination."

I turn around and his smile lights his face and I'm hit with the full force of how much I've missed him. Augustus held his arms out and I ran into them so quickly he almost fell over.

"I've missed you so much, you know that right?"

I whisper as I bury my face into his shoulder.

"I know, Hazel Grace. You wanna know something though?"


"I still love you, and you're more beautiful than I remember. And I don't intend to deny myself the pleasure of spending quite a lot of time with you."

I smile as I say,

"I won't deny it from you."

"What happened to your cigarettes?"

I asked.

He smirked.

"There is no need for metaphors here, Hazel Grace."

Augustus laughs and points at his leg.

"One perk of this Somewhere is that they like you whole."

He lifts his pant leg and shows me the leg he didn't have on Earth.

I smile as I'm struck by a thought that bothers me.

"Augustus, you aren't going to disappear in a bizarre flash of light because you're only here to help me get used to things, right?"

He smiles and takes my hand.

"Hazel Grace. I can answer that in one word for you."


He said it like the promise of forever was held in that one word. And it was. I tighten my grip on his hand and look up at him.


HOPE YA'LL LIKED IT!!!! I tried adding a little humor....

(Blind babies... XD )

I LOVE JOHN GREEN'S BOOKS!!! Anyway..... Keep reading!!!

~ <3 ~ Sibis~

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